Splitting footnotes

Hello, folks-- I am trying to typeset a book that has many footnotes; most of them are of moderate length, but a few are terribly long[*]. I am trying to use \setupfootnotes[split=*], but so far haven't got good results. You see, there is only one footnote that really needs to be split across pages (it takes up about two-thirds of a page); if I use [split=tolerant], many footnotes get split, which I would like to avoid, but if I say [split=strict], the longest one does not get split. I have also tried numeric values, but that doesn't seem to do anything. So my questions/comments are: 1. What does a numeric value represent, and what is the range of useful values? I first tried fairly small values like 1, 10, 25, thinking it was the number of lines, then thought it might be a tolerance value (as in \badness), and tried 1000 and 10000. None of these numbers had any effect. 2. It seems there is a very large gap between 'strict' and 'tolerant'. Might it not be a good idea to have four steps, e.g. 'verystrict', 'strict', 'tolerant', and 'verytolerant'; or 'verystrict', 'strict', 'medium', and 'tolerant'? [*] Of course, the ideal solution would be to edit or delete the overly long ones. However, I'm working with a well-known 19th century text. Thus, it's in the public domain and I can legally do whatever I want with it, but I don't feel it would be appropriate to make substantive alterations to the content. -- Matt Gushee : Bantam - lightweight file manager : matt.gushee.net/software/bantam/ : : RASCL's A Simple Configuration Language : matt.gushee.net/rascl/ :
participants (1)
Matt Gushee