Hi list! Thank you for helping to answer so many questions and remove so many roadblocks with my project. The result is a photobook written in Markdown, piped through pandoc to generate ConTeXt code, then stylized using a series of .tex files. The coolest ConTeX part, IMO, is the orange dot in the timeline. Using MetaPost, the date for the timeline is read directly from the document, then plotted relative to the \overlaywidth. Changing the date in the Markdown document winds up repositioning the timeline dot automagically. https://impacts.to/ The book is going to be released under a CC BY 4.0 license, including all the source code necessary to generate the book. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested in nabbing a copy of the PDF, let me know (preferably via the web form). Again, my sincerest gratitude, this project would have been a much more time-consuming and arduous journey without your generous help.
participants (1)