Color Separation with external figures and spot colors

Hi All, Does anyone know if/how I can take a grayscale JPG external figure and assign it to a spot colour channel. The Color Separation manual gives the following example: \externalfigure[graphic][split=c] for assigning such an image to the Cyan channel but I want to say something like: \definecolor [Spot1] [c=1,m=.05,y=0,k=.47,e=PANTONE 308 CV] \definecolor [Spot2] [c=.69,m=.07,y=0,k=0,e=PANTONE 298 CV] . . \externalfigure[graphic][split=Spot1] Is this possible? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer :) Mark Pearson. ********************************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential, and may be subject to legal privilege, and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error or think you may have done so, you may not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. Please notify the sender immediately and delete the original e-mail from your system. Computer viruses can be transmitted by e-mail. Recipients should check this e-mail for the presence of viruses. The Capita Group and its subsidiaries accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. ***********************************************************************************

Pearson, Mark (Capita Symonds) wrote:
Hi All,
Does anyone know if/how I can take a grayscale JPG external figure and assign it to a spot colour channel.
The Color Separation manual gives the following example:
for assigning such an image to the Cyan channel but I want to say something like:
\definecolor [Spot1] [c=1,m=.05,y=0,k=.47,e=PANTONE 308 CV]
\definecolor [Spot2] [c=.69,m=.07,y=0,k=0,e=PANTONE 298 CV] . .
Is this possible?
this non trivial feature is magically present -) \setuplayout[header=0pt,footer=0pt,width=middle,height=middle,backspace=1cm,topspace=1cm] \setupcolors[state=start] \startbuffer \definecolor [blue] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] \definecolor [yellow] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] \definecolor [blue-100] [blue] [p=1] \definecolor [yellow-100] [yellow] [p=1] \definemultitonecolor [combicolor] [blue=.12,yellow=.28] [c=.1,m=.1,y=.3,k=.1] \definemultitonecolor [combicolor-b] [blue=1] [c=1,m=.38,y=0,k=.64] % force multitone \definemultitonecolor [combicolor-y] [yellow=1] [c=0,m=.28,y=1,k=.06] % force multitone \useexternalfigure[demo-a][mill.png] [object=no,width=.2\textwidth] \useexternalfigure[demo-b][hacker-bw.jpg][object=no,width=.2\textwidth] \startbaselinecorrection \startcombination[4*1] {\externalfigure[demo-a]} {no color} {\externalfigure[demo-a][color=combicolor]} {indexed duotone} {\externalfigure[demo-a][color=combicolor-b]} {spot color} {\externalfigure[demo-a][color=combicolor-y]} {spot color} \stopcombination \stopbaselinecorrection \startbaselinecorrection \startcombination[4*1] {\externalfigure[demo-b]} {no color} {\externalfigure[demo-b][color=combicolor]} {indexed duotone} {\externalfigure[demo-b][color=combicolor-b]} {spot color} {\externalfigure[demo-b][color=combicolor-y]} {spot color} \stopcombination \stopbaselinecorrection \startbaselinecorrection \startcombination[4*1] {\externalfigure[demo-a]} {no color} {\externalfigure[demo-a][color=combicolor]} {indexed duotone} {\externalfigure[demo-a][color=blue-100]} {spot color} {\externalfigure[demo-a][color=yellow-100]} {spot color} \stopcombination \stopbaselinecorrection \startbaselinecorrection \startcombination[4*1] {\externalfigure[demo-b]} {no color} {\externalfigure[demo-b][color=combicolor]} {indexed duotone} {\externalfigure[demo-b][color=blue-100]} {spot color} {\externalfigure[demo-b][color=yellow-100]} {spot color} \stopcombination \stopbaselinecorrection \stopbuffer \getbuffer \typebuffer \stoptext
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Pearson, Mark (Capita Symonds)