Re: [NTG-context] Centering the last line in combination subcaptions

Am 08.02.2014 um 12:22 schrieb Jan Tosovsky
On 2014-02-08 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
I haven't find any better way to extend the caption width than that negative value for narrowed text. It works, but that empty space above looks weird
You have to force a certain width for your images because the width of the text space depends on the width of the images. You can use \framed (instead of loffset/roffset you can also set a fixed width) or \simplealignedbox to set the width of the images.
\defineframed[CombinationBox][frame=off,offset=none,loffset=3cm,roffset =3cm]
\startplacefigure[location={force,none}] \startcombination[nx=1,ny=2,align={last,hz,hanging},style=\itx] % first image \startcontent
%\simplealignedbox{11cm}{middle}{\externalfigure[cow][width=5cm]} \CombinationBox{\externalfigure[cow][width=5cm]} \stopcontent \startcaption \input{ward} \stopcaption % second image \startcontent
%\simplealignedbox{11cm}{middle}{\externalfigure[cow][width=5cm]} \CombinationBox{\externalfigure[cow][width=5cm]} \stopcontent \startcaption \input{ward} \stopcaption \stopcombination \stopplacefigure
Thanks a lot, it is much simpler! I also like that \start \stop structure which makes the code more clear.
Just for future reference: CombinationBox extends the current image width with the fixed value. When different image widths are used in your document, the caption width varies as well. To keep the consistency within the document I've chosen that simplealignedbox instead.
When you want a fixed width for \CombinationBox you have to change the definition to \defineframed[CombinationBox][frame=off,offset=none,width=11cm] Wolfgang
participants (1)
Wolfgang Schuster