fonts and footnotes

Hi! I have a problem with font of footnote-numbers. I will try to describe some details because they can be important. I've defined some sans-serif font with my own styles and sizes: \definefontsynonym[tfMyFont][file_name1] \definefontsynonym[bfMyFont][file_name2] % I don't need neither italics- nor math-style \definebodyfont[13pt,12pt,...,9pt][ss] [tfs=tfMyFont sa 0.75, % let's test alternative for tfxx tf=tfMyFont sa 1, .... bfs=bfMyFont sa 0.75, bf=bfMyFont sa 1, ....] \setupbodyfont[13pt,ss] Then I set styles for heads (chapters, sections etc.). The same for headers and footers. These setups work OK. I have a problem with footnotes though. I tried \setupfootnotes[style=\tfs]; it doesn't work (why?) -- footnotes are set with some ConTeXt-default ss font -- cmss10 -- which is not my beautiful sansserif:-). I also tried setup \setupfootnotes[bodyfont=10pt]; it works good since ten-point font is defined in \definebodyfont.. BUT numbers of footnotes still 'use' default sansserif font. So I tried something like; \setupfootnotes[...,numbercommand=\MyCommand], where \MyCommand set appropriate fontstyle and raise the number as a ^superscript (quite sophisticated way...). Anyway I have still no idea how to setup correct font and style for footnote-numbers. 1. How to setup font-style and -size for footnotes text without giving dimension directly? I mean why I have to set \setupfootnotes[bodyfont=10pt] and I can't set \setupfootnotes[style=\tfxx]? 2. How to setup font-style and -size for BOTH footnote reference (in text) and footnote number (in the bottom of the text area)? Pawe/l
participants (1)
Pawel Jackowski na Onet