sections, subsections, indenting, startnarrower, alignment

I do not understand what you mean. Could you explain? I stopped trying to use sections because I read somewhere in the archives that sections cannot be used 'recursively' like this. I have instead been trying to use definitions. With regards to other approaches, I have been trying to use several different dimensions to solve this problem but none of them seem to work as expected inside the head of a definition inside a "narrowed", such as \localhsize and \makeupwidth, which mangle things in unexpected ways. Can anyone tell me however if there is some dimension that corresponds to the local amount of indentation (made with narrower)? -A
Wouldn't be easier to achieve this using section personalized section numbering ?
Best, Amaël
Le vendredi 22 mai 2009 à 14:40 -0700, afsmith a écrit :
Hi again ntg-context.
I have been working on my own CV/Resume module. Up until now I've just been asking about specific bits of the implementation of this thing I want to do, but perhaps that was a mistake as it hasn't really helped progress much, so: What I am trying to achieve is to define some three-argument command to give a section/subject header and a date, and then a block of text. The header and date should be on the same line, but aligned in either direction (subject aligned left, date aligned right) This block of text underneath it should be indented and able to include an instance of the same command. Let me try to explain the desired output in a little monospaced text diagram..
|(Subject)_______________________(Date)| |__(Subsubject)__________________(Date)| |____texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext__| |____textmoretextmoretextmoretexttext__| |__(Subsubject)__________________(Date)| |____texttexttexttexttexttextexttext___| |____textmoretextmoretextmoretexttext__|
The "subject" and "subsubject" parts don't need to literally use "\subject" , for example I also tried to use "\start(description){..." for this purpose as well but that failed equally. Just something that works reasonably as a section header.
I promise I have looked in the archives before asking :) for example
And here is an example of something I was playing with...
------------------- \definehead[mysubject][subject]
\defineframed[lrframe][ width=\localhsize, align=normal, rulethickness=1pt]
\setuphead[mysubject][style={\bf}] \define[3]\CHRONSUBJ {\mysubject{\dontleavehmode\lrframe{#1\hfill#2}} \startnarrower[left]{#3}\stopnarrower}
\showframe[text] \starttext \CHRONSUBJ {This happened from June 08 to June 09} {06/08--06/09} {\CHRONSUBJ {This happened from June 08 to December 08} {06/08--12/08} {\input tufte } \CHRONSUBJ {This happened from January 09 to June 09} {01/09--06/09} {\input zapf }} \stoptext -------------------
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