All, I have Miktex installed. Downloaded and installed: http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/context-setup-mswin.zip to c:\context. When I run startupcontext.bat (contains the setuptex.bat command), I can compile at the dos prompt with either context sscon.tex or texmfstart texexec sccon.tex. Download and extracted: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scintilla/wscite176.zip?download to c:\wscite Dragged over the *.properties files to c:\wscite. On the last line of SciTEGlobal.properties, I added the line "import context". Testfile sscon.tex: \starttext Hello, World!" \stoptext Hitting Ctrl+F7 to compile gives this error:
texmfstart concheck sccon.tex The system cannot find the file specified.
That concheck does not look correct. Hitting F7 to build gives this error:
texmfstart texexec --autopdf --pdf sccon.tex The system cannot find the file specified.
How am I going to get Scite to find this location? D.
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