\startcolumnset ... \stopcolumnset fatal error: return code 11

Hi, I have used newcolumnset module to make a test sheet. It was made by the help of experts in the list. It worked fine a month ago and also worked via TeXlive 2021. But I got error using the recent version. Thanks Nicola and John for testing. I have listed it before and tried to find out the cause. I have test the following file in the editors, vscode, vim, atom and even in the terminal. It might be an apple binary problem as Hans suspected. I’d like to know that it is the only problem for Mac users. Here is the code and the part of error message: It was tested in vscode, vim and terminal too. I am using Mac OSX, ConTeXt ver: 2021.12.03 15:20 LMTX fmt: 2021.12.9 int: english/english Thank you for reading. Best regards, Dalyoung %%%%%%% \startuseMPgraphic{verticalrule0} if CurrentColumn < NOfColumns : draw rightboundary OverlayBox shifted (4mm,0); setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox enlarged 2.5mm; fi; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{squareBox} draw topboundary OverlayBox leftenlarged 1mm rightenlarged 1mm; draw rightboundary OverlayBox shifted (1mm,0); %if CurrentColumn = 1: shifted(-2mm,0) fi ; draw leftboundary OverlayBox shifted (-1mm,0); %if CurrentColumn = 2: shifted(2mm,0) fi ; draw bottomboundary OverlayBox leftenlarged 1mm rightenlarged 1mm; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [headerBox] [\useMPgraphic{squareBox}] \startuseMPgraphic{verticalrule3} draw rightboundary OverlayBox shifted (1mm,0); %if CurrentColumn = 1: shifted(-2mm,0) fi ; draw leftboundary OverlayBox shifted (-1mm,0); %if CurrentColumn = 2: shifted(2mm,0) fi ; draw bottomboundary OverlayBox leftenlarged 1mm rightenlarged 1mm; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [verticalrule] [\useMPgraphic{verticalrule3}] \definecolumnset [exam] [n=2, background=verticalrule] \setuplayout[width=19cm, height=26cm, header=1cm, footer=.5cm,backspace=1cm] \setupheader[before=\vfil, after=\vfil] \setupbackgrounds[header][text][frame=off, background=headerBox, align=lohi]%topframe= \setupbackgrounds[footer][text][frame=off, background=screen] \define[3]\headTitle{\setupheadertexts[][\bf #1 \hfill #2 \hfill #3 \hfill ID: \hskip 2cm Name: \hskip 2cm]} \setupmathematics[autopunctuation=no, integral=nolimits] \setupbodyfont[rm,10pt] \setuppagenumbering[location=footer] \setupcolors[state=start] %\setupexternalfigure[directory={/Users/graph/Documents/figures,}] \headTitle{2021. 12. 9.}{Set Theory}{Final Exam} \usemodule[newcolumnsets] \starttext %\startcolumns[rule=on,n=2,leftframe=on] \startcolumnset[exam] \startitemize[n] \item The first problem. \vfill \column \item The second problem. \vfill \column \item The third problem. \vfill \column \stopitemize \stopcolumnset %\stopcolumns \stoptext %%%%%%%%%% … open source > level 2, order 3, name ‘/Users/graph/ConTeXtLM/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/m-newcolumnsets.mkiv' close source > level 2, order 3, name '/Users/graph/ConTeXtLM/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/m-newcolumnsets.mkiv' mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 11 The terminal process "zsh '-c', 'mtxrun --autogenerate --script context --autopdf --purge '/Users/graph/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/texMain/ColumnsetTest.tex''" terminated with exit code: 1.
participants (1)
Jeong Dal