Hello! I have a problem with indent in the description environment (I use the latest beta of ConTeXt). When I have descriptions that are longer than one paragraph I want the next paragraphs indented in the same way as the other parts of the document. Here is a small example showing the problem. ================ start file ================== \setupindenting[medium] \indenting[yes] \definedescription[testdesc][% width=broad, location=serried, headstyle=bold, way=bychapter, text={Testdescription: }] \starttext \section{Some indenting tests} This is just a test paragraph. I want to se if the next paragraph is indented or not. So, sooner or later we will know. \par Is this indented? Yes. \starttestdesc{A nonlucky one} This is just a test paragraph. I want to se if the next paragraph is indented or not. So, sooner or later we will know. \par Is this indented? No, but I want it to be. \stoptestdesc This is just a test paragraph. I want to se if the next paragraph is indented or not. So, sooner or later we will know. \par Is this indented? Yes. \stoptext ================ stop file ================== I also have another question. How can one install Math fonts (lucida)? When I run texfont as with other fonts texfont reports that it is math fonts and the installation fail. Should I add another switch? (I tried with the same switches as I successfully use for other fonts, that is --in and --ma (besides the --ve and --co)) Best regards, Micke P

Mikael Persson wrote:
When I have descriptions that are longer than one paragraph I want the next paragraphs indented in the same way as the other parts of the document.
If you're looking for an elegant way to do this then stop reading now. You can, with a bit of brute force and ignorance, reset the \parindent dimension from within your description environment by reissuing the imperative \setupindenting[medium]: ----- \setupindenting[medium] \indenting[yes] \definedescription[testdesc][% width=broad, location=serried, headstyle=bold, way=bychapter, text={Testdescription: }] \starttext \section{Some indenting tests} ... \starttestdesc{A nonlucky one} This is just a test paragraph. I want to se if the next paragraph is indented or not. So, sooner or later we will know. \setupindenting[medium] % <-- add this Is this indented? No, but I want it to be. \stoptestdesc ... \stoptext -----
I also have another question. How can one install Math fonts (lucida)? When I run texfont as with other fonts texfont reports that it is math fonts and the installation fail. Should I add another switch? (I tried with the same switches as I successfully use for other fonts, that is --in and --ma (besides the --ve and --co))
Hans Hagen has done all the hard stuff already, so you can install the lucida Math fonts by doing nothing. (Well that's not quite true, I had to lowercase the .pfb binaries and .tfm metrics in the lucida math collection). So for instance, I simply copied the file lbma.pfb over into my type1 directory, and similarly I copied lbma.tfm into my tfm directory.

On 27 Feb 2003 10:39:09 +0800
Guy Worthington
Mikael Persson wrote:
When I have descriptions that are longer than one paragraph I want the next paragraphs indented in the same way as the other parts of the document.
If you're looking for an elegant way to do this then stop reading now.
You can, with a bit of brute force and ignorance, reset the \parindent dimension from within your description environment by reissuing the imperative \setupindenting[medium]:
\setupindenting[medium] \indenting[yes]
\definedescription[testdesc][% width=broad, location=serried, headstyle=bold, way=bychapter, text={Testdescription: }]
\section{Some indenting tests}
\starttestdesc{A nonlucky one} This is just a test paragraph. I want to se if the next paragraph is indented or not. So, sooner or later we will know.
\setupindenting[medium] % <-- add this Is this indented? No, but I want it to be.
Thank you Guy! That is a solution that will work for now. Even though I would like a solution that don't force me to add this \setupindenting[medium] in every description. Maybe I should tell what I am using it for. I am using the description environment for proofs in my thesis. Since there are many proofs, there will be many places to add this indenting stuff, so it would be really nice if there was a switch to the \setupdescriptions command that let you choose how to do the indenting. Maybe I should use another environment than the description one?
I also have another question. How can one install Math fonts (lucida)? When I run texfont as with other fonts texfont reports that it is math fonts and the installation fail. Should I add another switch? (I tried with the same switches as I successfully use for other fonts, that is--in and --ma (besides the --ve and --co))
Hans Hagen has done all the hard stuff already, so you can install the lucida Math fonts by doing nothing. (Well that's not quite true, I had to lowercase the .pfb binaries and .tfm metrics in the lucida math collection). So for instance, I simply copied the file lbma.pfb over into my type1 directory, and similarly I copied lbma.tfm into my tfm directory.
Hm, ok. Maybe I got another version of the fonts. I got the fonts that come with Adobe. I got three .pfb files, lme.pfb (LucidaMath-Extension), lmi.pfb (LucidaMath-Italic) and lms.pfb (LucidaMath-Symbol). Any tips? Regards, Micke P

Thursday, February 27, 2003 Mikael Persson wrote: MP> Thank you Guy! That is a solution that will work for now. Even though I MP> would like a solution that don't force me to add this MP> \setupindenting[medium] in every description. Maybe I should tell what I MP> am using it for. I am using the description environment for proofs in my MP> thesis. Since there are many proofs, there will be many places to add MP> this indenting stuff, so it would be really nice if there was a switch MP> to the \setupdescriptions command that let you choose how to do the MP> indenting. MP> Maybe I should use another environment than the description one? No, I think we should lobby Hans so that he adds an option to indent subsequent paragraphs of (all) description-like environments. It's a *very* important feature. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

At 10:10 AM 2/27/2003 +0100, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
No, I think we should lobby Hans so that he adds an option to indent subsequent paragraphs of (all) description-like environments. It's a *very* important feature.
at the cost of a few bytes .... .... you'd better test it first in all possible description locations (only when it is ok i will add it; it then also has to go in enumerations) % interface=en \unprotect \steldoordefinierenin [\c!plaats=\v!links, \c!kopletter=\v!vet, \c!letter=\v!normaal, \c!kleur=, \c!kopkleur=, \c!breedte=8em, \c!afstand=0pt, \c!hang=, \c!monster=, \c!uitlijnen=, \c!marge=\v!nee, \c!voor=\blanko, \c!tussen=\blanko, \c!na=\blanko, \c!springvolgendein=\v!ja, \c!inspringen=\v!nooit, \c!commando=] \def\dodoordefinieren[#1][#2]% {\copyparameters[\??dd#1][\??dd] [\c!plaats,\c!kopletter,\c!letter,\c!kleur,\c!kopkleur, \c!breedte,\c!hang,\c!monster,\c!voor,\c!tussen,\c!na,\c!marge, \c!inspringen, \c!springvolgendein,\c!uitlijnen,\c!tekst,\c!afstand,\c!commando]% \getparameters[\??dd#1] [\s!do\c!status=\v!stop, \s!do\c!commando=\normal@@definitiewoord, #2]% \doifvalue{\??dd#1\c!plaats}\v!boven {\doassign[\??dd#1][\c!tussen={\blanko}]}% \setvalue{#1}% {\dodoubleempty\@@definitie[#1]}% \setvalue{\e!start#1}% {\dodoubleempty\@@startdefinitie[#1]}% \setvalue{\e!stop#1}% {\@@stopdefinitie{#1}}}% \def\@@dostartdefinitie#1[#2]#3% {\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!voor}% \begingroup \doadaptleftskip{\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!marge}}% \showcomposition \setbox\@@definitiebox\hbox {\forgetall \mindermeldingen \def\\{\crcr}% \doifelsevalue{\??dd#1\c!plaats}\v!aanelkaar {\@@definitiewoord{#1}[#2]{#3}{#3}} {\@@definitiewoord{#1}[#2]{#3}{\vbox{\halign{\strut##\hss\cr#3\crcr}}}}}% \!!widthb\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!afstand}\relax \ifdim\!!widthb=\zeropoint\relax \doifvalue{\??dd#1\c!breedte}\v!ruim{\!!widthb=1em}% \fi \assignwidth {\!!widtha} {\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!breedte}} {\doifelsevaluenothing{\??dd#1\c!monster} {\unhcopy\@@definitiebox} {\doattributes {\??dd#1}\c!kopletter\c!kopkleur {\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!tekst}\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!monster}}}} {\!!widthb}% % \parindent\zeropoint\relax \doifelsevalue{\??dd#1\c!titeluitlijnen}\v!nee {\edef\@@leftdefinitieskip {\the\leftskip }% \edef\@@rightdefinitieskip{\the\rightskip}} {\ifcase\insidedefinition \edef\@@leftdefinitieskip {\the\leftskip }% \edef\@@rightdefinitieskip{\the\rightskip}% \fi}% \expanded{\inspringen[\getvalue{\??dd#1\c!inspringen}]}% \ifcase\insidedefinition \chardef\insidedefinition1 \or \chardef\insidedefinition2 \fi} % now happens elsewhere : \noindent\ignorespaces \protect \starttext \setupindenting[medium] \indenting[yes] \definedescription[testdesc][% width=broad, location=serried, headstyle=bold, way=bychapter, indenting={yes,next}, text={Testdescription: }] \starttestdesc{A nonlucky one} This is just a test paragraph. I want to se if the next paragraph is indented or not. So, sooner or later we will know. Is this indented? No, but I want it to be. \stoptestdesc \stoptext ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE | pragma@wxs.nl Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- information: http://www.pragma-ade.com/roadmap.pdf documentation: http://www.pragma-ade.com/showcase.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:00:44 +0100
Hans Hagen
At 10:10 AM 2/27/2003 +0100, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
No, I think we should lobby Hans so that he adds an option to indent subsequent paragraphs of (all) description-like environments. It's a *very* important feature.
at the cost of a few bytes ....
.... you'd better test it first in all possible description locations
(only when it is ok i will add it; it then also has to go in > enumerations)
*snip* Wow, Thanks! I just tried the code here and at least it worked well in my thesis document. Its about 20 places where new paragraphs occur inside descriptions, and all of them is indented as they should. I don't really understand what you mean by "all possible description locations", but I will gladly test it more if someone tells me :) Regards, Micke P

At 07:26 PM 2/27/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Wow, Thanks!
I just tried the code here and at least it worked well in my thesis document. Its about 20 places where new paragraphs occur inside descriptions, and all of them is indented as they should.
I don't really understand what you mean by "all possible description locations", but I will gladly test it more if someone tells me :)
location=left|right|inmargin|... Hans ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE | pragma@wxs.nl Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- information: http://www.pragma-ade.com/roadmap.pdf documentation: http://www.pragma-ade.com/showcase.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 08:44:30 +0100
Hans Hagen
At 07:26 PM 2/27/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Wow, Thanks!
I just tried the code here and at least it worked well in my thesis document. Its about 20 places where new paragraphs occur inside descriptions, and all of them is indented as they should.
I don't really understand what you mean by "all possible description locations", but I will gladly test it more if someone tells me :)
Oh *blushing*, I should have understood that :) I have made a test document now, and it seems to work. It is available at http://lillpelle.hemmet.chalmers.se/~micke/tex/desctest/ I hope I didn't miss any locations... /Micke P

-----Original Message-----
From: ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl [mailto:ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl]On
Behalf Of Mikael Persson
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 3:29 AM
To: ntg-context@ntg.nl
Subject: Re[2]: [NTG-context] Re: Indenting in description
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 08:44:30 +0100
Hans Hagen
At 07:26 PM 2/27/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Wow, Thanks!
I just tried the code here and at least it worked well in my thesis document. Its about 20 places where new paragraphs occur inside descriptions, and all of them is indented as they should.
I don't really understand what you mean by "all possible description locations", but I will gladly test it more if someone tells me :)
Oh *blushing*, I should have understood that :) I have made a test document now, and it seems to work. It is available at http://lillpelle.hemmet.chalmers.se/~micke/tex/desctest/ I hope I didn't miss any locations... /Micke P _______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list ntg-context@ntg.nl http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context TO MICKE P JUST TO SAY THANKS FOR SHARING, YOUR WAY OF PROCESSING CERTAIN FILES, USING ConTeXt.
participants (5)
Coydell Rivers
Giuseppe Bilotta
Guy Worthington
Hans Hagen
Mikael Persson