Bullet size inconsistent with font size in item group

Through the help of this mailing list I was able to resize the font for different levels of an item group using the inner command; however, this has had some unexpected effects on the size of my bullets. The first bullet in a list is sized based on the preceding font size, while all of the other bullets are sized based on the specified font size for that item group. That probably wasn't clear, but I'm hoping this example will explain what I mean. I attached a file of my output from this example. \definesymbol[1][\hbox{$\bullet$}] \definesymbol[2][\hbox{$\circ$}] \defineitemgroup[bullet][levels=2] \setupitemgroup[bullet][1][1][joinedup,inbetween={\blank[3*small]},inner={\switchtobodyfont[20pt]}] \setupitemgroup[bullet][2][2][joinedup,inbetween={\blank[3*small]},inner={\switchtobodyfont[15pt]}] \starttext \startbullet \item Test \item Test \startbullet \item Test \item Test \stopbullet \stopbullet \stoptext Mike
participants (1)
Michael Bynum