table and \setuptables questions

Dear list members: Last time I sent this message to the wrong thread accidentally. Now I send it again, hopefully to a new thread. I have this simple table: \starttext \placetable[here]{title}{ \setuptables[bodyfont=8pt,rulethickness=0.04em] \start \setuplocalinterlinespace[2.2ex] \starttable[|lp(5cm)|lp(5cm)|cp(2cm)|] \HL[2] \NC \bf First Column \NC \bf Second Column \NC \bf Third Column \NC \SR \HL \NC Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur massa turpis, semper quis fringilla ut, viverra nec risus. \NC Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. \NC Lorem ipsum \NC \SR \HL \NC Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus \NC Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus \NC Pellentesque \NC \SR \HL \NC Donec nunc lorem, sollicitudin vel sodales eget \NC Donec nunc lorem, sollicitudin vel sodales eget Donec nunc lorem, sollicitudin vel sodales eget \NC Donec \NC \SR \HL[2] \stoptable \stop} \stoptext I have some questions related to the above table. 1. How can I set the distance between the text (in rows) and the rule above and below the text, separately? I find that the rules are too close to the text. I tried \setuptables' height and depth options but those are not what I need. (For example the depth option adds extra space in rows where it is unnecessary.) What are height and depth options are for exactly? 2. Can \setuptables[bodyfont=...] option use font sizes as \tfa, \tfb, \tfc, \tfx, \tfxx, or point size has to be set explicitly? 3. What is the distance option in \setuptables? Thank you in advance, bcsikos

Please disregard my last message. I haven't noticed that an answer arrived a little bit earlier I posted it. But I don't understand why it didn't go in a new thread. Best regards, bcsikos
participants (1)
Csikos Bela