Algorithmic, Floats and line numbers.

Hi, I'm trying to use Algorithmic module with floating and line numbering. In the first attempt, I get the "code" with lines numbered. But isn't floating. In the second one, line numbers disappear inside the floating block. Two questions: * How can I get line numbers inside floating block? * In algorithms, I think it has more sense to number only "logical" lines. The second state is so long that wraps into another line. Is it possible to number only logical lines? This is my little test file: \starttext \usemodule[algorithmic] %% First Attempt \startalgorithmic[numbering=yes] \STATE a = 2 \STATE this line is really very large. Very very very very very very very very very very very large \STATE this is the real third state. \stopalgorithmic \definefloat[algorithm][algorithms] \setupfloat[algorithm][ background=color, backgroundcolor=gray, ] %% Second Attempt \startplacealgorithm[title={Floating algorithm}] \startalgorithmic[numbering=yes] \STATE a = 2 \STATE this line is really very large. Very very very very very very very very very very very large \STATE this is the real third state. \stopalgorithmic \stopplacealgorithm \stoptext Thanks. jmmora.

Javier M Mora 24. Oktober 2016 um 14:37 Hi, I'm trying to use Algorithmic module with floating and line numbering.
In the first attempt, I get the "code" with lines numbered. But isn't floating.
In the second one, line numbers disappear inside the floating block.
Two questions:
* How can I get line numbers inside floating block? You can’t use them in floats unless you add a frame around the content, e.g.
* In algorithms, I think it has more sense to number only "logical" lines. The second state is so long that wraps into another line. Is it possible to number only logical lines? Not with linenumbering, what you need is counter which is inserted at
\startplacealgorithm \startframedtext \startlinenumbering ... \stoplinenumbering \stopframedtext \stopplacealgorithm the begin of each line. \definelabel[algorithmicline][text=,alternative=inleft] \definelines[algorithmic][command=\algorithmicline] \setuplayout[width=4cm] \showframe[text][text] \starttext \startalgorithmic text text text text text text text text text text text text text text \stopalgorithmic \stoptext Wolfgang

How does one reset the counter then? Normally one would like it to start from 1 within each algorithmic block. But definelabel seems to have bytext and bysection options only. On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Wolfgang Schuster <> wrote:
Javier M Mora
24. Oktober 2016 um 14:37 Hi, I'm trying to use Algorithmic module with floating and line numbering. In the first attempt, I get the "code" with lines numbered. But isn't floating.
In the second one, line numbers disappear inside the floating block.
Two questions:
* How can I get line numbers inside floating block?
You can’t use them in floats unless you add a frame around the content, e.g.
\startplacealgorithm \startframedtext \startlinenumbering ... \stoplinenumbering \stopframedtext \stopplacealgorithm
* In algorithms, I think it has more sense to number only "logical" lines. The second state is so long that wraps into another line. Is it possible to number only logical lines?
Not with linenumbering, what you need is counter which is inserted at the begin of each line.
\startalgorithmic text text text text text text text text text text text text text text \stopalgorithmic
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Mohammad Hossein Bateni 27. Oktober 2016 um 17:59 How does one reset the counter then? Normally one would like it to start from 1 within each algorithmic block. But definelabel seems to have bytext and bysection options only.
You can use \resetcounter[algorithmicline] to reset the counter value. Wolfgang
participants (3)
Javier M Mora
Mohammad Hossein Bateni
Wolfgang Schuster