Hi, how can i change the '+' into '*'? What i mean is when i write this: --- \enableregime[il1]% choose input encoding: il1 is "ISO Latin 1" (ISO 8859-1), same as "win" \mainlanguage[de] % language mode: changes typesetting rules, quote signs etc. \setuppapersize [A4][A4] \setupcolors[state=start] \usemodule[newmat] \usemodule[mathml] \setupMMLappearance[sign][reduction=no] \setupMMLappearance[function][reduction=no] \setupMMLappearance[power][reduction=no] %%\setupMMLappearance[relation][aligen=first] \starttext \startXMLdata <math> <apply> <in/> <cn type="complex"> 2 <sep/> 5 </cn> <complexes/> </apply> </math> \stopXMLdata \stoptext --- I get: 2 + 5i C but what i need is: j * omega || with '<times/>' I'am very new with context sorry i this is a 'trivial' question. Greetings al ;-)
participants (1)
Alexander Lazic