Hi, How do you get rid of the doublesided document's page number on the blank page inserted after the last chapter ? Alan ConTeXt ver: 2008.07.10 08:40 MKIV fmt: 2008.7.10 int: english/english texmfstart texexec --lua test.tex --- start of code --- \setuppapersize [A4][A4] %\setuppagenumbering[alternative=singlesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \definepagebreak[myChapterPageBreak][yes,header,footer,right] \setuphead[chapter][page=myChapterPageBreak] \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \setupheader[state=start] \setupfooter[state=start] \stopsectionblockenvironment \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=no] % doesn't make a difference \startsectionblockenvironment[backpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment \starttext \startstandardmakeup Title \blank[3*big] Author \stopstandardmakeup \startfrontmatter Table of Contents \blank[3*big] \placecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{Chapter 1} \section{Section 1.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 1.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 1.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \chapter{Chapter 2} \section{Section 2.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 2.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 2.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \stopbodymatter \startbackmatter back cover \stopbackmatter \stoptext --- end of code ---

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 7:55 PM, Alan Stone
Hi, How do you get rid of the doublesided document's page number on the blank page inserted after the last chapter ?
ConTeXt ver: 2008.07.10 08:40 MKIV fmt: 2008.7.10 int: english/english
texmfstart texexec --lua test.tex
--- start of code ---
\setuppapersize [A4][A4]
%\setuppagenumbering[alternative=singlesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
\definepagebreak[myChapterPageBreak][yes,header,footer,right] \setuphead[chapter][page=myChapterPageBreak]
\startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment
\startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \setupheader[state=start] \setupfooter[state=start] \stopsectionblockenvironment \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=no] % doesn't make a difference
\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes] or for the backpart \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes,before={\page[left]}]
\startsectionblockenvironment[backpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment
\startstandardmakeup Title \blank[3*big] Author \stopstandardmakeup
\startfrontmatter Table of Contents \blank[3*big] \placecontent \stopfrontmatter
\startbodymatter \chapter{Chapter 1} \section{Section 1.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 1.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 1.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \chapter{Chapter 2} \section{Section 2.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 2.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 2.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \stopbodymatter
\startbackmatter back cover \stopbackmatter
--- end of code ---

\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes]
or for the backpart
Thanks Wolfgang. I've been playing with different bodypart and backpart setupsectionblock settings: number=yes/no, page=yes/no/right, before/after={\page[left/right]}]
From what I observed and understand (from the manual and http://texshow.contextgarden.net/command/detail/296 )...
number=yes/no : doesn't have any effect at all page=yes : starts (a section block on) a new (left or right) page page=no : doesn't have any effect at all page=right: starts (a section block on) a (new) right page before/after : before/after starting the new page \page[left/right] : forces a left/right page The following \setupsectionblock[backpart][before={\page[left]}] gives more what I was looking after, however there's still a blank numbered page as the last chapter's last page which I've unsuccessfully been trying to get without page number. Alan

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Alan Stone
\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes]
or for the backpart
Thanks Wolfgang.
I've been playing with different bodypart and backpart setupsectionblock settings: number=yes/no, page=yes/no/right, before/after={\page[left/right]}]
From what I observed and understand (from the manual and http://texshow.contextgarden.net/command/detail/296 )...
number=yes/no : doesn't have any effect at all
Removes the number from \chapter etc.
page=yes : starts (a section block on) a new (left or right) page page=no : doesn't have any effect at all
Continues the next sectionblock on the same page as the lest block ends.
page=right: starts (a section block on) a (new) right page
before/after : before/after starting the new page
\page[left/right] : forces a left/right page
The following
gives more what I was looking after, however there's still a blank numbered page as the last chapter's last page which I've unsuccessfully been trying to get without page number.
But only in MkII, if you have a problem with this in MkIV make a example. Wolfgang

But only in MkII, if you have a problem with this in MkIV make a example.
\setuppapersize [A4][A4] %\setuppagenumbering[alternative=singlesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \definepagebreak[myChapterPageBreak][yes,header,footer,right] \setuphead[chapter][page=myChapterPageBreak] \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \setupheader[state=start] \setupfooter[state=start] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[backpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment \setupsectionblock[backpart][before={\page[left]}] \starttext \startstandardmakeup Title \blank[3*big] Author \stopstandardmakeup \startfrontmatter Table of Contents \blank[3*big] \placecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{Chapter 1} \section{Section 1.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 1.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 1.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \chapter{Chapter 2} \section{Section 2.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 2.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 2.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \starthiding \chapter{Chapter 3} \section{Section 3.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 3.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 3.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \stopbodymatter \stophiding \startbackmatter back page \stopbackmatter \stoptext

Correction ( disregard the previous example)... \setuppapersize [A4][A4] %\setuppagenumbering[alternative=singlesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \definepagebreak[myChapterPageBreak][yes,header,footer,right] \setuphead[chapter][page=myChapterPageBreak] \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \setupheader[state=start] \setupfooter[state=start] \stopsectionblockenvironment \startsectionblockenvironment[backpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment \setupsectionblock[backpart][before={\page[left]}] \starttext \startstandardmakeup Title \blank[3*big] Author \stopstandardmakeup \startfrontmatter Table of Contents \blank[3*big] \placecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{Chapter 1} \section{Section 1.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 1.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 1.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \chapter{Chapter 2} \section{Section 2.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth \section{Section 2.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte \section{Section 2.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \stopbodymatter \startbackmatter back page \stopbackmatter \stoptext

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Alan Stone
Correction ( disregard the previous example)...
\setuppapersize [A4][A4]
%\setuppagenumbering[alternative=singlesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
\definepagebreak[myChapterPageBreak][yes,header,footer,right] \setuphead[chapter][page=myChapterPageBreak]
\startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment
\startsectionblockenvironment[bodypart] \setupheader[state=start] \setupfooter[state=start] \stopsectionblockenvironment
\startsectionblockenvironment[backpart] \setupheader[state=stop] \setupfooter[state=stop] \stopsectionblockenvironment
You need \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes,before={\page[left]}] The output from your settings is weird but correct because the last page of the bodymatter is a right page and with the default value for "page" you're going to the next right page, in your case page 11. On page 11 starts now the backmatter with empty header and footer lines, your setting for the backmatter inserts the "\page[left]" command and because we're at the moment on a right page the current page is empty and the back page is placed on page 12. You see, nothing is wrong with ConTeXt, only the settings for the sectionblocks are a bit confusing and you have to take care of this.
\startstandardmakeup Title \blank[3*big] Author \stopstandardmakeup
\startfrontmatter Table of Contents \blank[3*big] \placecontent \stopfrontmatter
\startbodymatter \chapter{Chapter 1} \section{Section 1.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth
\section{Section 1.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte
\section{Section 1.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf
\chapter{Chapter 2} \section{Section 2.1} \input knuth \blank \input knuth \blank \input knuth
\section{Section 2.2} \input tufte \blank \input tufte \blank \input tufte
\section{Section 2.3} \input zapf \blank \input zapf \blank \input zapf \stopbodymatter
\startbackmatter back page \stopbackmatter

You need
\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes,before={\page[left]}]
I tried that Wolfgang. However I'd like the pages setup like in my last example with, in a double sided document, the back page on the [(next even page) + 2]. So, refering to the output of the last example: page 10 being a blank page without page number and, as is, the back page on page 10 + 2 = page 12. Alan

Stated otherwise...
If, in a double sided document, the last chapter/appendix/whatever's last
= an even page (p) -> back page = on page (p) + 2
= an odd page (p) -> back page = on page (p) + 3
whatever pages = non to the main part of the document related pages -> makup
pages ?
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Alan Stone
You need
\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes,before={\page[left]}]
I tried that Wolfgang.
However I'd like the pages setup like in my last example with, in a double sided document, the back page on the [(next even page) + 2]. So, refering to the output of the last example: page 10 being a blank page without page number and, as is, the back page on page 10 + 2 = page 12.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:37 PM, Alan Stone
You need
\setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes,before={\page[left]}]
I tried that Wolfgang.
However I'd like the pages setup like in my last example with, in a double sided document, the back page on the [(next even page) + 2]. So, refering to the output of the last example: page 10 being a blank page without page number and, as is, the back page on page 10 + 2 = page 12.
No problem \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes,before={\page[yes,empty,left]}] Wolfgang

"Wolfgang Schuster"
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Alan Stone
wrote: \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes]
or for the backpart
Thanks Wolfgang.
I've been playing with different bodypart and backpart setupsectionblock settings: number=yes/no, page=yes/no/right, before/after={\page[left/right]}]
From what I observed and understand (from the manual and http://texshow.contextgarden.net/command/detail/296 )...
number=yes/no : doesn't have any effect at all
Removes the number from \chapter etc.
page=yes : starts (a section block on) a new (left or right) page page=no : doesn't have any effect at all
Continues the next sectionblock on the same page as the lest block ends.
page=right: starts (a section block on) a (new) right page
before/after : before/after starting the new page
\page[left/right] : forces a left/right page
The following
gives more what I was looking after, however there's still a blank numbered page as the last chapter's last page which I've unsuccessfully been trying to get without page number.
But only in MkII, if you have a problem with this in MkIV make a example.
I have been struggling with some similar issues (in MkII). I was getting an extra page at the end of a document which came and went for reasons that were unclear to me. And then there was the issue (bug?) about "getting to the back page of a booklet" which you helped me with before.(It's towards the end of http://wiki.contextgarden.net/index.php?title=Imposition) Was this actually a bug? While your solution seemed to work well originally, it seems to be fragile now when used in a more complicated document. It seems to work OK when I don't use a sectionblock for the back cover, so perhaps it is related. -- John Devereux

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:19 PM, John Devereux
"Wolfgang Schuster"
writes: On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Alan Stone
wrote: \setupsectionblock[bodypart][page=yes] \setupsectionblock[backpart][page=yes]
or for the backpart
Thanks Wolfgang.
I've been playing with different bodypart and backpart setupsectionblock settings: number=yes/no, page=yes/no/right, before/after={\page[left/right]}]
From what I observed and understand (from the manual and http://texshow.contextgarden.net/command/detail/296 )...
number=yes/no : doesn't have any effect at all
Removes the number from \chapter etc.
page=yes : starts (a section block on) a new (left or right) page page=no : doesn't have any effect at all
Continues the next sectionblock on the same page as the lest block ends.
page=right: starts (a section block on) a (new) right page
before/after : before/after starting the new page
\page[left/right] : forces a left/right page
The following
gives more what I was looking after, however there's still a blank numbered page as the last chapter's last page which I've unsuccessfully been trying to get without page number.
But only in MkII, if you have a problem with this in MkIV make a example.
I have been struggling with some similar issues (in MkII). I was getting an extra page at the end of a document which came and went for reasons that were unclear to me. And then there was the issue (bug?) about "getting to the back page of a booklet" which you helped me with before.(It's towards the end of http://wiki.contextgarden.net/index.php?title=Imposition)
Was this actually a bug?
The extra page at the end of a document in MkII in is related to marks and there is no perfect solution for this. If the effect with \page[quadruple] to go the last page in booklet is wanted or not could be only answered by Hans.
While your solution seemed to work well originally, it seems to be fragile now when used in a more complicated document. It seems to work OK when I don't use a sectionblock for the back cover, so perhaps it is related.
This should be the same problem as in Alans example, \page[quadruple] moves you to the last page in document but \stopbackmatter or \stopappendices insert a additonal page at the end but you can get rid of this with \setupsectionblock[appendix|backmatter][page=yes|no]. Wolfgang

"Wolfgang Schuster"
On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:19 PM, John Devereux
I have been struggling with some similar issues (in MkII). I was getting an extra page at the end of a document which came and went for reasons that were unclear to me. And then there was the issue (bug?) about "getting to the back page of a booklet" which you helped me with before.(It's towards the end of http://wiki.contextgarden.net/index.php?title=Imposition)
Was this actually a bug?
The extra page at the end of a document in MkII in is related to marks and there is no perfect solution for this.
If the effect with \page[quadruple] to go the last page in booklet is wanted or not could be only answered by Hans.
While your solution seemed to work well originally, it seems to be fragile now when used in a more complicated document. It seems to work OK when I don't use a sectionblock for the back cover, so perhaps it is related.
This should be the same problem as in Alans example, \page[quadruple] moves you to the last page in document but \stopbackmatter or \stopappendices insert a additonal page at the end but you can get rid of this with \setupsectionblock[appendix|backmatter][page=yes|no].
This does not seem to make a difference. If I enclose the two back cover pages in \startbackmatter...\stopbackmatter then a spurious extra blank page is generated after the "back cover". I tried all combinations of \setupsectionblock[backmatter|backpart][page=no|yes] ("backpart" in the \setup corresponds to "backmatter" in the text, yes? Another thing that was confusing me!) -- John Devereux

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:24 PM, John Devereux
"Wolfgang Schuster"
writes: On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 5:19 PM, John Devereux
wrote: [...]
I have been struggling with some similar issues (in MkII). I was getting an extra page at the end of a document which came and went for reasons that were unclear to me. And then there was the issue (bug?) about "getting to the back page of a booklet" which you helped me with before.(It's towards the end of http://wiki.contextgarden.net/index.php?title=Imposition)
Was this actually a bug?
The extra page at the end of a document in MkII in is related to marks and there is no perfect solution for this.
If the effect with \page[quadruple] to go the last page in booklet is wanted or not could be only answered by Hans.
While your solution seemed to work well originally, it seems to be fragile now when used in a more complicated document. It seems to work OK when I don't use a sectionblock for the back cover, so perhaps it is related.
This should be the same problem as in Alans example, \page[quadruple] moves you to the last page in document but \stopbackmatter or \stopappendices insert a additonal page at the end but you can get rid of this with \setupsectionblock[appendix|backmatter][page=yes|no].
This does not seem to make a difference. If I enclose the two back cover pages in \startbackmatter...\stopbackmatter then a spurious extra blank page is generated after the "back cover".
Did this happen also with MkIV or only in MkII?
I tried all combinations of
("backpart" in the \setup corresponds to "backmatter" in the text, yes? Another thing that was confusing me!)
My fault, I meant 'backpart' but I need a example to help you. Wolfgang
participants (3)
Alan Stone
John Devereux
Wolfgang Schuster