Re: [NTG-context] notes in the margin

Ahoi, I’m still working on this issue. For the usual cases, the current mechanism is good (see attachment). * I gave up on the number placement in its own line (without text indent). * Footnotes in captions mostly disappear. * Footnotes in captions or other boxed environments (chapter title in my case) get misplaced, e.g. if a figure is narrower than \textwidth, the margin note is moved into the textarea by the difference. \startplacefigure[location=here,title={Some caption\footnote{Source of the image. This disappeares or gets misplaced}}] \externalfigure[cow]%[width=.8\textwidth] \placelocalfootnotes % doesn’t change anything \stopplacefigure * Further, in some cases it would be good to move the margin note by a few lines higher or lower. \inmargin has this first parameter: "+ - low" in reference, e.g. \inmargin [method=first,voffset=-6pt] in source typo-mar.mkiv) I just need a way to transfer this option through \footnote: I used a global definition that I redefine where I need it: \def\FNVOffset{0} % vertical shift of footnotes in negative lines % this is unclean, but works quite well \define\PlaceFootnote% {\inmargin[voffset=\dimexpr-\FNVOffset\lineheight\relax]{\vtop{\placelocalnotes[footnote][before=,after=]}}} \def\FNo#1{{\ss\tfx #1}} \setupnote[footnote] [location=text, bodyfont=, indenting=no, before={\noindent}, next=\PlaceFootnote] \setupnotation[footnote][ way=bychapter, align=flushleft, style={\ss\tfx}, indenting=no, location=serried, alternative=serried, width=broad, numbercommand=\FNo, ] \setuptexttexts[margin][] [{\framed[ align={flushleft,bottom}, frame=off, height=\textheight, width=\rightmarginwidth]{% \strut\vfill\placenotes[footnote]}}] \setupmargindata[inmargin][location=outer,stack=continue,align=flushleft,style={\ss\tfx}] \setupmargindata[inouter][location=outer,stack=continue,align=flushleft,style={\ss\tfx}] Greetlings, Hraban --- GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD
participants (1)
Henning Hraban Ramm