Dear fraternity, With Alan Hoenig's help, I have created virtual fonts for cmr5--cmr12 that make oldstyle numerals the default (cmros*.vf). I am having trouble fitting them into my cmr setup. Here is my file (there was some bug in the default ConTeXt setup that messed up font switching so I made my own that works;->): =================type-cmr.tex============ %%% Names and synonyms \starttypescript [roman] [knuth] [name] \usetypescript [serif,sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [name,size] \stoptypescript %%% Sizes \starttypescript [roman] [knuth] [size] \usetypescript [serif,sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [size] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [MyCMR] \definebodyfontenvironment [mycmr] [default] [interlinespace=2.8ex] \definetypeface [mycmr] [rm,ss,tt,mm] [roman] [knuth] [knuth] \stoptypescript ====================================== I need to adjust the serif settings to get cmros instead of cmr. That is, I need to replace all the [serif] options with something else. The typescript following this email should play a role but so far my attempts to get this working fail. I'll be happy to send the oldstyle cmr vf's and tfm's to anyone that wants them. Thnx 4 your help Idris ===================================== \starttypescript [serif] [computer-modern-oldstyle] [size] \definebodyfont [12pt] [rm] [tf=cmros12, bf=cmbx12, it=cmti12, sl=cmsl12, bi=cmbxti10 at 12pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 12pt, sc=cmcsc10 at 12pt] \definebodyfont [11pt] [rm] [tf=cmros10 at 11pt, bf=cmbx10 at 11pt, sl=cmsl10 at 11pt, it=cmti10 at 11pt, bi=cmbxti10 at 11pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 11pt, sc=cmcsc10 at 11pt] \definebodyfont [10pt] [rm] [tf=cmros10, bf=cmbx10, it=cmti10, sl=cmsl10, bi=cmbxti10, bs=cmbxsl10, sc=cmcsc10] \definebodyfont [9pt] [rm] [tf=cmros9, bf=cmbx9, it=cmti9, sl=cmsl9, bi=cmbxti10 at 9pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 9pt, sc=cmcsc10 at 9pt] \definebodyfont [8pt] [rm] [tf=cmros8, bf=cmbx8, it=cmti8, sl=cmsl8, bi=cmbxti10 at 8pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 8pt, sc=cmcsc10 at 8pt] \definebodyfont [7pt] [rm] [tf=cmros7, bf=cmbx7, it=cmti10 at 7pt, sl=cmsl10 at 7pt, bi=cmbxti10 at 7pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 7pt, sc=cmcsc10 at 7pt] \definebodyfont [6pt] [rm] [tf=cmros6, bf=cmbx6, it=cmti10 at 6pt, sl=cmsl10 at 6pt, bi=cmbxti10 at 6pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 6pt, sc=cmcsc10 at 6pt] \definebodyfont [5pt] [rm] [tf=cmros5, bf=cmbx5, it=cmti10 at 5pt, sl=cmsl10 at 5pt, bi=cmbxti10 at 5pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 5pt, sc=cmcsc10 at 5pt] \definebodyfont [4pt] [rm] [tf=cmros10 at 4pt, bf=cmbx10 at 4pt, it=cmti10 at 4pt, sl=cmsl10 at 4pt, bi=cmbxti10 at 4pt, bs=cmbxsl10 at 4pt, sc=cmr10 at 4pt] \definebodyfont [14.4pt,17.3pt,20.7pt] [rm] [tf=cmros12 sa 1, bf=cmbx12 sa 1, it=cmti12 sa 1, sl=cmsl12 sa 1, bi=cmbxti10 sa 1, bs=cmbxsl10 sa 1, sc=cmcsc10 sa 1] \stoptypescript

Hi Idris, This sounds like a nice (virtual) font to have. I'm not sure about your use of \definetypeface, but I did spot a couple of changes to consider (untested, off the top of my head): Idris S Hamid said this at Sun, 20 Apr 2003 16:52:29 -0600:
\starttypescript [roman] [knuth] [name] \usetypescript [serif,sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [name,size]
\usetypescript [serif,sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [name]
%%% Sizes
\starttypescript [roman] [knuth] [size] \usetypescript [serif,sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [size]
\usetypescript [sans,mono,math] [computer-modern] [size] \usetypescript [serif] [computer-modern-oldstyle] [size]
The last line *should* be all you need to bring your osf into the fold. The first change was just to make sure we weren't loading the old, non- osf fonts. Hope it's a step in the right direction, adam -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Adam T. Lindsay atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk Computing Dept, Lancaster University +44(0)1524/594.537 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
participants (2)
Adam Lindsay
Idris S Hamid