gnuplot not working

Hi all, Is there a problem with gnuplot? I get an error with the minimal example on the wiki. I think the generated .plt file has an error; it works if I manually delete the "fontscale 1" bit and run context on test-gnuplot-1.tmp. Using latest beta, tried with current official gnuplot as well as mojca-patched version. Thanks, John ====================================================================== test-gnuplot-1.plt: # Do not modify this file - all changes will be overwritten # Change test.tex instead. set terminal context size 5in,3in fontscale 1 load 'test-gnuplot-inclusions.tmp' set output "test-gnuplot-1-ctx.tex" load 'test-gnuplot-1.tmp' ====================================================================== text.tex: \usemodule[gnuplot] % write a script for gnuplot \startGNUPLOTscript[sin] plot sin(x) \stopGNUPLOTscript % include the resulting graphic into the document \useGNUPLOTgraphic[sin] ====================================================================== log: mtx-context | run 1: luatex --fmt="/home/jd/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/2448223e6631addb83df348d74153606/formats/cont-en" --lua="/home/jd/context/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/2448223e6631addb83df348d74153606/formats/cont-en.lui" --backend="pdf" "./test.tex" \stoptext This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.70.1-2011051923 (rev 4277) \write18 enabled. (test.tex ConTeXt ver: 2012.04.06 23:08 MKIV fmt: 2012.4.7 int: english/english system > cont-new.mkiv loaded (/home/jd/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkiv system > beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.mkiv ) system > loaded ( fonts > latin modern fonts are not preloaded languages > language en is active resolvers > modules > loaded: 'gnuplot' (/home/jd/context/tex/texmf-modules/tex/context/third/gnuplot/t-gnuplot.tex loading > Gnuplot module fonts > typescripts > unknown: library 'loc' (/home/jd/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-imp-texgyre.mkiv))) mtxrun | mtxrun | executing: gnuplot test-gnuplot-1.plt mtxrun | mtxrun | aaa > mtxrun --direct gnuplot test-gnuplot-1.plt ! Missing number, treated as zero. system > tex > error on line 0 in file : Missing number, treated as zero ... <empty file> <to be read again> \let \doprocessGNUPLOTfile ...OTnumber \zerocount \let \normalstarttikzpicture =\... <argument> ...NUPLOTfile [sin][\@@GNUPLOTresult ]} \doif {\@@GNUPLOTterminal ... \firstofoneargument #1->#1 <argument> ...}\writeandprocessGNUPLOTscript {sin} \doifelse {\@@GNUPLOTtermi... \firstoftwoarguments #1#2->#1 ... <*> ./test.tex \stoptext ? -- John Devereux

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:00, John Devereux wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a problem with gnuplot? I get an error with the minimal example on the wiki. I think the generated .plt file has an error; it works if I manually delete the "fontscale 1" bit and run context on test-gnuplot-1.tmp.
Using latest beta, tried with current official gnuplot as well as mojca-patched version.
Which version of Gnuplot did you use / how did you compile it / with which sources? If you used the one from for windows, that was a bad idea (and my bad that I forgot to remove it from there) since I haven't updated it for a while. I changed textscale to fontscale on gnuplot developers' request in February 2011. Gnuplot 4.6.0 already includes the context terminal, so it might be the best idea to try with official gnuplot binary (or sources). Mojca

Mojca Miklavec
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:00, John Devereux wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a problem with gnuplot? I get an error with the minimal example on the wiki. I think the generated .plt file has an error; it works if I manually delete the "fontscale 1" bit and run context on test-gnuplot-1.tmp.
Using latest beta, tried with current official gnuplot as well as mojca-patched version.
Which version of Gnuplot did you use / how did you compile it / with which sources? If you used the one from for windows, that was a bad idea (and my bad that I forgot to remove it from there) since I haven't updated it for a while.
I changed textscale to fontscale on gnuplot developers' request in February 2011.
Gnuplot 4.6.0 already includes the context terminal, so it might be the best idea to try with official gnuplot binary (or sources).
Hi Mojca, Sorry, I should have said I am running on linux. I compiled the official gnuplot 4.6 jd@devereux:~$ gnuplot G N U P L O T Version 4.6 patchlevel 0 last modified 2012-03-04 Build System: Linux i686 Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2012 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others gnuplot home: faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ" immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h') It does seem to be running this version. I found the generated tex file: ====================================================================== % Written by ConTeXt terminal for GNUPLOT on: 2012-04-11 11:31 BST % GNUPLOT version: 4.6.0, terminal version: 1.0.0 (2011-11-05) % See also % \startGNUPLOTgraphic[1] string gnuplotversion; gnuplotversion := "4.6"; string termversion; termversion := "1.0"; % scaling factor, width and height of the figure a := 1cm; w := 12.700a; h := 7.620a; % (5in, 3in) % temporary variable for storing the path and images save p, img, ima; path p; string img, ima; % ------------------------- % Different initialisations % ------------------------- % for additional user-defined settings gp_setup_before; % text scaling factor for the whole figure gp_scale_text := 1; % pointsize scaling factor gp_set_pointsize(1); % linewidth scaling factor for individual lines gp_set_linewidth(1); % for additional user-defined settings gp_setup_after; % ------------------------- gp_set_linetype(-2); p := (1.345a,0.844a)--(1.468a,0.844a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,0.844a)--(11.955a,0.844a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 0.844a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{-1}); p := (1.345a,1.480a)--(1.468a,1.480a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,1.480a)--(11.955a,1.480a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 1.480a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{-0.8}); p := (1.345a,2.116a)--(1.468a,2.116a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,2.116a)--(11.955a,2.116a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 2.116a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{-0.6}); p := (1.345a,2.752a)--(1.468a,2.752a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,2.752a)--(11.955a,2.752a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 2.752a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{-0.4}); p := (1.345a,3.388a)--(1.468a,3.388a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,3.388a)--(11.955a,3.388a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 3.388a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{-0.2}); p := (1.345a,4.024a)--(1.468a,4.024a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,4.024a)--(11.955a,4.024a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 4.024a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{0}); p := (1.345a,4.661a)--(1.468a,4.661a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,4.661a)--(11.955a,4.661a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 4.661a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{0.2}); p := (1.345a,5.297a)--(1.468a,5.297a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,5.297a)--(11.955a,5.297a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 5.297a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{0.4}); p := (1.345a,5.933a)--(1.468a,5.933a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,5.933a)--(11.955a,5.933a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 5.933a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{0.6}); p := (1.345a,6.569a)--(1.468a,6.569a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,6.569a)--(11.955a,6.569a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 6.569a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{0.8}); p := (1.345a,7.205a)--(1.468a,7.205a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,7.205a)--(11.955a,7.205a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.138a, 7.205a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{1}); p := (1.345a,0.844a)--(1.345a,0.967a); gp_draw(p); p := (1.345a,7.205a)--(1.345a,7.082a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((1.345a, 0.422a), align(center), \sometxt[gp]{-10}); p := (4.028a,0.844a)--(4.028a,0.967a); gp_draw(p); p := (4.028a,7.205a)--(4.028a,7.082a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((4.028a, 0.422a), align(center), \sometxt[gp]{-5}); p := (6.711a,0.844a)--(6.711a,0.967a); gp_draw(p); p := (6.711a,7.205a)--(6.711a,7.082a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((6.711a, 0.422a), align(center), \sometxt[gp]{0}); p := (9.395a,0.844a)--(9.395a,0.967a); gp_draw(p); p := (9.395a,7.205a)--(9.395a,7.082a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((9.395a, 0.422a), align(center), \sometxt[gp]{5}); p := (12.078a,0.844a)--(12.078a,0.967a); gp_draw(p); p := (12.078a,7.205a)--(12.078a,7.082a); gp_draw(p); gp_put_text((12.078a, 0.422a), align(center), \sometxt[gp]{10}); p := (1.345a,7.205a)--(1.345a,0.844a)--(12.078a,0.844a)--(12.078a,7.205a)--cycle; gp_draw(p); gp_set_linetype(0); gp_set_color(lt(-2)); gp_put_text((10.506a, 6.871a), align(right), \sometxt[gp]{sin(x)}); gp_set_linetype(0); p := (10.713a,6.871a)--(11.664a,6.871a); gp_draw(p); p := (1.345a,5.755a)--(1.453a,5.184a)--(1.562a,4.566a)--(1.670a,3.926a) --(1.779a,3.291a)--(1.887a,2.685a)--(1.995a,2.133a)--(2.104a,1.658a) --(2.212a,1.280a)--(2.321a,1.013a)--(2.429a,0.869a)--(2.538a,0.853a) --(2.646a,0.966a)--(2.754a,1.204a)--(2.863a,1.556a)--(2.971a,2.009a) --(3.080a,2.543a)--(3.188a,3.138a)--(3.296a,3.769a)--(3.405a,4.410a) --(3.513a,5.036a)--(3.622a,5.620a)--(3.730a,6.140a)--(3.839a,6.573a) --(3.947a,6.903a)--(4.055a,7.116a)--(4.164a,7.203a)--(4.272a,7.161a) --(4.381a,6.991a)--(4.489a,6.700a)--(4.597a,6.301a)--(4.706a,5.809a) --(4.814a,5.245a)--(4.923a,4.631a)--(5.031a,3.992a)--(5.139a,3.354a) --(5.248a,2.744a)--(5.356a,2.186a)--(5.465a,1.703a)--(5.573a,1.314a) --(5.682a,1.035a)--(5.790a,0.878a)--(5.898a,0.849a)--(6.007a,0.949a) --(6.115a,1.174a)--(6.224a,1.515a)--(6.332a,1.958a)--(6.440a,2.486a) --(6.549a,3.075a)--(6.657a,3.704a)--(6.766a,4.345a)--(6.874a,4.974a) --(6.983a,5.563a)--(7.091a,6.091a)--(7.199a,6.534a)--(7.308a,6.875a) --(7.416a,7.100a)--(7.525a,7.200a)--(7.633a,7.171a)--(7.741a,7.014a) --(7.850a,6.735a)--(7.958a,6.346a)--(8.067a,5.863a)--(8.175a,5.305a) --(8.284a,4.695a)--(8.392a,4.057a)--(8.500a,3.418a)--(8.609a,2.804a) --(8.717a,2.240a)--(8.826a,1.748a)--(8.934a,1.349a)--(9.042a,1.058a) --(9.151a,0.888a)--(9.259a,0.846a)--(9.368a,0.933a)--(9.476a,1.146a) --(9.584a,1.476a)--(9.693a,1.909a)--(9.801a,2.429a)--(9.910a,3.013a) --(10.018a,3.639a)--(10.127a,4.280a)--(10.235a,4.911a)--(10.343a,5.506a) --(10.452a,6.040a)--(10.560a,6.493a)--(10.669a,6.845a)--(10.777a,7.083a) --(10.885a,7.196a)--(10.994a,7.180a)--(11.102a,7.036a)--(11.211a,6.769a) --(11.319a,6.391a)--(11.428a,5.916a)--(11.536a,5.364a)--(11.644a,4.758a) --(11.753a,4.123a)--(11.861a,3.483a)--(11.970a,2.865a)--(12.078a,2.294a); gp_draw(p); gp_set_linetype(-2); p := (1.345a,7.205a)--(1.345a,0.844a)--(12.078a,0.844a)--(12.078a,7.205a)--cycle; gp_draw(p); setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xyscaled (w,h); \stopGNUPLOTgraphic \endinput -- John Devereux

On 2012-04-11 John Devereux
Is there a problem with gnuplot? I get an error with the minimal example on the wiki.
\usemodule[gnuplot] \starttext \startGNUPLOTscript[sin] plot sin(x) \stopGNUPLOTscript \useGNUPLOTgraphic[sin] \stoptext Confirmed with context version: 2012.04.10 19:46 and gnuplot 4.7 patchlevel 0. Marco

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:00, John Devereux wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a problem with gnuplot? I get an error with the minimal example on the wiki.
% write a script for gnuplot \startGNUPLOTscript[sin] plot sin(x) \stopGNUPLOTscript
% include the resulting graphic into the document \useGNUPLOTgraphic[sin]
! Missing number, treated as zero.
system > tex > error on line 0 in file : Missing number, treated as zero ...
<empty file>
<to be read again> \let \doprocessGNUPLOTfile ...OTnumber \zerocount \let \normalstarttikzpicture =\... <argument> ...NUPLOTfile [sin][\@@GNUPLOTresult ]} \doif {\@@GNUPLOTterminal ... \firstofoneargument #1->#1
<argument> ...}\writeandprocessGNUPLOTscript {sin} \doifelse {\@@GNUPLOTtermi... \firstoftwoarguments #1#2->#1
... <*> ./test.tex \stoptext
Oh, indeed. It seems that a recent change in ConTeXt core broke functionality of the module (the version I tested on earlier worked fine). I'm not sure if I know where to start digging for the problem. There are some more experienced developers here, but I can try. (Though I take all the blame on me for not adapting the module to MKIV yet.) Mojca

Am 11.04.2012 um 14:07 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:00, John Devereux wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a problem with gnuplot? I get an error with the minimal example on the wiki.
% write a script for gnuplot \startGNUPLOTscript[sin] plot sin(x) \stopGNUPLOTscript
% include the resulting graphic into the document \useGNUPLOTgraphic[sin]
! Missing number, treated as zero.
system > tex > error on line 0 in file : Missing number, treated as zero ...
<empty file>
<to be read again> \let \doprocessGNUPLOTfile ...OTnumber \zerocount \let \normalstarttikzpicture =\... <argument> ...NUPLOTfile [sin][\@@GNUPLOTresult ]} \doif {\@@GNUPLOTterminal ... \firstofoneargument #1->#1
<argument> ...}\writeandprocessGNUPLOTscript {sin} \doifelse {\@@GNUPLOTtermi... \firstoftwoarguments #1#2->#1
... <*> ./test.tex \stoptext
Oh, indeed. It seems that a recent change in ConTeXt core broke functionality of the module (the version I tested on earlier worked fine).
I'm not sure if I know where to start digging for the problem. There are some more experienced developers here, but I can try. (Though I take all the blame on me for not adapting the module to MKIV yet.)
You’re mixing counter mechanism in the module. You define a new counter with \newcounter\tikzGNUPLOTnumber and later you reset it with \setcounter\tikzGNUPLOTnumber\zerocount Both commands are from different mechanism where the \setcounter is from \makecounter is was removed in MkIV because the internal commands for \definenumber have changed to \definecounter, \incrementcounter, \setcounter etc. To reset a \newcounter command you can write \newcounter\… (or \doglobal\newcounter\…). Wolfgang

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 14:07, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Oh, indeed. It seems that a recent change in ConTeXt core broke functionality of the module (the version I tested on earlier worked fine).
Can you please update and try again? Wolfgang suggested to replace \setcounter with \newcounter. Mojca

Mojca Miklavec
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 14:07, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Oh, indeed. It seems that a recent change in ConTeXt core broke functionality of the module (the version I tested on earlier worked fine).
Can you please update and try again?
Wolfgang suggested to replace \setcounter with \newcounter.
Hi Mojca, That seems to work for me - thanks! -- John Devereux
participants (4)
John Devereux
Mojca Miklavec
Wolfgang Schuster