Great, thank you. Just in case I missed it on the mailing list... Is there a way of floating a margin text to the top/bottom of the page (aligning with the top/bottom of the text area)?
Could someone savant provide me with a rough overview of how to place text in a margin these days, or else point me to a reference. (I searched the garden without success.)
You place them in the same way as you did it in the past:
\input ward
\input ward
\inleft {INLEFT} \inright{INRIGHT}
\input ward
\ininner{INNER} \inouter{OUTER}
\input ward
What has changed is how to defined a new command (\defineinmargin vs. \definemargindata) and how to customize these commands (\setupinmargin vs. \setupmargindata + \setupmarginframed).
participants (1)
S Barmeier