Problem with shading when using rotation (Metapost)

Hi, Sorry to come back with my match problem. In fact, I do not understand why a rotation of 90 influences the degraded color of the ends of the matches. Thank you. Fabrice \starttext \startMPcode def match (expr alpha, pos) = numeric l; l = 4.6cm; picture pic; pic = image ( fill unitsquare xscaled 4cm yscaled 0.2cm withcolor yellow ; fill origin -- (4cm,0) -- (4.1cm,-0.05cm) -- (0.1cm,-0.05cm) -- cycle withcolor(.6yellow + black); draw origin -- (0,0.2cm) -- (4cm,0.2cm) -- (4cm,0) -- (4.1cm,-0.05cm) -- (0.1cm,-0.05cm) -- cycle ; fill fullcircle xyscaled (0.5cm,0.44cm) shifted (4.125cm,0.1cm) shaded withshademethod "circular" withshadefactor 0.75 withshadecolors (white,red);); draw (fullcircle xyscaled (0.5cm,0.44cm) shifted (4.125cm,0.1cm)); draw pic rotated alpha shifted pos; enddef; picture house ; house = image ( match(90,(0,0)); match(0,(0,0)); match(90,(l,0)); match(120,(l,l)); match(60,(0,l));); draw house; \stopMPcode
participants (1)
Fabrice Couvreur