In the spirit of the presentationstyle s-pre-02 I meticulously copied the relevant statements into my module but the Topics-list is not becoming active. That is, the list of Topic-sheets appears but clicking on them does not bring one to the destination. Nor do the list items get the color given on the \setupinteraction macro. Of course I tried the same with the unmodified s-pre-02 style, but got the same negative result. Is here something changed from mkii->mkiv? Things like buttons for jumping to the next page or to a specific page are still working. It is as if the generated list of Topic's does not contain active items. I have prepared a small example. It shows on the second page uncolored Topic's ABC, PQR and XYZ. They should have been green (the OrnamentColor) and are not active. \usemodule[s-pre-02] \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setupinteractionscreen[option=max,width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight] \starttext \TitlePage{ \vfill\vfill\bf College \vfill\vfill\vfill\bfxx \currentdate\hfill\null} \par \Topics {ONDERWERPEN} \par \Topic{ABC}abc\par \Topic{PQR}pcr\par \Topic{XYZ}xyz\par \stoptext Hans van der Meer
participants (1)
Hans van der Meer