current beta: \starttext Some text. \setupparagraphnumbering[state=start] first numbered paragraph. This is another numbered paragraph. It's long enough to wrap around onto more than one line, so as to show that these are paragraph numbers and not line numbers.\par A third numbered paragraph. \setupparagraphnumbering[state=stop] a paragraph \stoptext Herbert ! Undefined control sequence. system > tex > error on line 5 in file 05-04-1.ctxcrop: Undefined control sequence ... 1 \starttext 2 Some text. 3 4 \setupparagraphnumbering[state=start] 5 >> first numbered paragraph. 6 7 This is another numbered paragraph. It's long enough to wrap around onto more 8 than one line, so as to show that these are paragraph numbers and not line numbers.\par 9 10 A third numbered paragraph. 11 \setupparagraphnumbering[state=stop] 12 13 a paragraph 14 \stoptext 15 <argument> \tf \dousestyleparameter \@phstyle \dousecolorparameter \@phcolor... \doifelsenothing #1->\edef \!!stringa {#1 }\ifx \!!stringa \empty \expandafte... \dodomargindata ...a [#1]\fi \doifelsenothing {#3} \donefalse \donetrue \ifdo... <everypar> ...eckindentation \showparagraphnumber \restoreinterlinepenalty \... <to be read again> f l.5 f irst numbered paragraph.
participants (1)
Herbert Voss