Hi, I get this stange result: The second page (p.3-4) of each embedded file have the wrong offset, for the other pages (p. 6-\infty) they are ok. Any ideas? This is with pdfeTeXk, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=cont-en 2003.10.6 and the TeX code from below. Tobias ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % format=english \setupoutput[pdftex] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setuppapersize [A4,landscape] [A4,landscape] \setuplayout [height=210mm,width=297mm, header=0pt,footer=0pt, topspace=0.2cm, cutspace=0cm,backspace=1cm] \newcounter\DirtyTrickCounter \startsetups[verydirtytrick] \doglobal\increment\DirtyTrickCounter \ifodd\realpageno \ifodd\DirtyTrickCounter \hbox to \overlaywidth{{\hskip0mm}\foregroundbox} \else \hbox to \overlaywidth{{\hskip-1.3cm}\foregroundbox} \fi \else \ifodd\DirtyTrickCounter \hbox to \overlaywidth{{\hskip10mm}\foregroundbox} \else \hbox to \overlaywidth{{\hskip-0.3cm}\foregroundbox} \fi \fi \stopsetups \defineoverlay [verydirtytrick] [\setups{verydirtytrick}] \starttext \combinepages [main.pdf] [nx=2,ny=1, background=verydirtytrick, frame=off] \combinepages [out.pdf] [nx=2,ny=1, background=verydirtytrick, frame=off] \stoptext

At 10:33 25/11/2003, you wrote:
I get this stange result: The second page (p.3-4) of each embedded file have the wrong offset, for the other pages (p. 6-\infty) they are ok. Any ideas? This is with
pdfeTeXk, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=cont-en 2003.10.6
and the TeX code from below.
in page-imp, patch: \hfil}% \hfilneg} \vfil}% \vfilneg}% \pagina %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% add this line \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \exitloop\fi} \else \doloop {\startbaselinecorrection If you run your code with: \startsetups[verydirtytrick] \doglobal\increment\DirtyTrickCounter \ifodd\realpageno\relax \ifodd\DirtyTrickCounter \hbox to \overlaywidth{1{\hskip0mm}\foregroundbox1} \else \hbox to \overlaywidth{2{\hskip-1.3cm}\foregroundbox2} \fi \else \ifodd\DirtyTrickCounter \hbox to \overlaywidth{3{\hskip10mm}\foregroundbox3} \else \hbox to \overlaywidth{4{\hskip-0.3cm}\foregroundbox4} \fi \fi \stopsetups you can see that some branches are never entered, which is due to the fact that we're dealing with a sequence of \vbox's and you decide on \realpago whil ethe previous one is not yet flushed (i.e. fits on the page so tex will issue a page break when something new is added, with the new being the wrong calculated thing). Hans
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Tobias Burnus