To \getbuffer or to \input: which one is it better?

Hi all, In a project using the \setvariables command of ConTeXt, a file containing more than 200 instances of a structure resembling (but with much more fields…) \setvariables[talk] [speaker={Dr Some Speaker}, title={Some title}, room={Some Room}, ] is input several times, in order to extract from these variables one or more informations to be typeset, for different types of documents. However I don’t know whether this is a wise solution, or is it better to define once and for all a buffer and then use the \getbuffer command for each of the different uses in my global document. For now, unfortunately, I cannot come up with a minimal example because the question I am asking is about a real situation where nothing is minimal. That is why I am asking a general abstract question to understand the general philosophy underlining the buffer commands versus the \input command. Thanks in advance for any hint: OK
participants (1)
Otared Kavian