Strange behaviour with columnar itemized text

Hi, I encountered two issues where itemized text within columns behaves unexpectedly. There appear to be two issues, possibly related. I will provide the shorter example first, which produces overlapping text on the second page ( Changing \blank[.2em] to \blank[small] resolves the first issue. Removing inbetween={\blank[small]}, resolves the second issue. Given that changing the \blank command affects the results, I think they might be related somehow. I'm not concerned about the first issue -- changing ".25em" to "small" is fine. The second issue, however, leaves me perplexed for a solution to avoid the issue while maintaining the desired vertical whitespace (see ( between items. Any suggestions? Hopefully these are sufficiently minimal examples. ------------] 8< overlapping text 8< [------------ \setuphead[section][before={\testcolumn[3]},] \defineitemgroup[Instructions][inbetween={\blank[.25em]},] \starttext \startmixedcolumns[ align=right, balance=yes, grid=strut, ] \dorecurse{5}{ \startsection[title={Section},] \startInstructions \item{Preheat the oven to 400°F}\item{Put a few cups of salt in a gratin dish and level it off}\item{Place a little of the prepared butter mixture snail butter in an empty shell (about a teaspoon) and then put a snail in after it}\item{Put another blob of the snail butter on top until the snail is no longer visible in the shell (about a teaspoon)}\item{Do this for the remaining shells a layer of snail butter the snail itself and another layer of snail butter}\item{Now, push all the prepared shells into the salt in the gratin dish such that the shell openings are securely face up}\item{Make sure the shells to stay securely face up so that the snail cooks in the snail butter instead of the butter just leaking out}\item{If you have some special escargot dishes you can place the shells in them instead of the salt and gratin dish}\item{Ensure that the shells remain securely face up so that the snail cooks in the snail butter} \stopInstructions } \stopmixedcolumns \stoptext ------------] 8< snip snip 8< [------------ The second, slightly longer example, shows text overlapping the footer region ( and extending off the second page. ------------] 8< snip snip 8< [------------ \setuppapersize[letter][letter] \definestartstop[RecipeIngredientGroup] \definestartstop[RecipeInstructionGroup] \defineitemgroup[RecipeIngredients] \defineitemgroup[RecipeInstructions][ inbetween={\blank[small]}, ] \setupstartstop[RecipeIngredientGroup][ before={\startmixedcolumns[balance=yes,]}, ] \setupstartstop[RecipeInstructionGroup][ before={\startmixedcolumns[grid=strut,]}, ] \setupstartstop[RecipeIngredientGroup,RecipeInstructionGroup,][ after={\stopmixedcolumns}, ] \starttext \startRecipeIngredientGroup \startsubsection[title={Title},] \startRecipeIngredients \dorecurse{32}{\item{item}} \stopRecipeIngredients \stopsubsection \stopRecipeIngredientGroup \startRecipeInstructionGroup \startsubsection[title={Title},] \startRecipeInstructions \dorecurse{8}{\item{item}} \stopRecipeInstructions \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title={Title},] \startRecipeInstructions \dorecurse{32}{\item{item}} \stopRecipeInstructions \stopsubsection \stopRecipeInstructionGroup \stoptext ------------] 8< snip snip 8< [------------

Hi, I don't know if it is related, but here's another instance of columnar content (in this case, a vertical rule) extending into the footer:
participants (1)