I'm having great difficulty finding a table mode that accomplishes everything I need: Multi-page: no problem Repeating headers: no problem Repeating footers: don't actually need columns in footers, just a table-wide block containing diagrams and abbreviation footnotes. Must appear on every page, though. 'tables' or 'tabulate' mode works OK. lintetables? Horizontal lines: no problem (except linetables?) Alternate row shading: natural tables work fine, don't see how to do this with 'tables' or 'tabulate' mode. linetables? Forced page break at arbitrary rows: [after=\page] doesn't seem to work in natural tables, don't see how to do this with 'tables' or 'tabulate' mode. linetables? I've tried all the table modes, including linetables and can't find a mode that gives me all required features. Is this combination of tabular features not possible? -- david
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Design Department