Distance between two Columns

Dear List! I have the following example. I would like to have two columns that are in the distance small. So I have tried: \setuppapersize[A5] \startcolumns \defineframed [tightframed][width=5cm,width.1\textwidth,align=right] \tightframed{Small} \column \tightframed{A really really long line that is split at 5cm} If I take the example with only \tightframed, without the columns, I have the small distance, but I would like to have a left and right column with small distance. Can someone help me please?

On Thu, 28 Feb 2019 10:43:48 +0000
Ursula Hermann
I have the following example. I would like to have two columns that are in the distance small.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. You want to change the distance between the columns? That can be done with: \setupcolumns [distance=2cm]
So I have tried:
\setuppapersize[A5] \startcolumns \defineframed [tightframed][width=5cm,width.1\textwidth,align=right]
1. Usually you don't define stuff in the main text. That's what the setup area (before \starttext) if for. 2. width is specified twice 3. width.1\textwidth is not valid, an = sign is missing
\tightframed{Small} \column \tightframed{A really really long line that is split at 5cm}
\stopcolumns is missing. Furthermore, \start/stoptext is missing. That results in the monospaced font. I'd write your example as follows: \setuppapersize [A5] \defineframed [tightframed] [width=5cm, %% width=.1\textwidth, align=right] \setupcolumns [distance=.5cm] \starttext \startcolumns \tightframed{Small} \column \tightframed{A really really long line that is split at 5cm} \stopcolumns \stoptext Marco

Ursula Hermann schrieb am 28.02.19 um 11:43:
Dear List!
I have the following example. I would like to have two columns that are in the distance small. So I have tried:
\tightframed{A really really long line that is split at 5cm}
If I take the example with only \tightframed, without the columns, I have the small distance, but I would like to have a left and right column with small distance.
Are you looking for something like the examples below? \setupcombination [location=top, distance=\spaceamount] \starttext \startcombination[2*1] {\framed[width=5cm,align=flushleft]{Small}}{} {\framed[width=5cm,align=flushleft]{A really really long line that is split at 5cm}}{} \stopcombination \blank \placesidebyside {\framed[width=5cm,align=flushleft]{Small}} {\framed[width=5cm,align=flushleft]{A really really long line that is split at 5cm}} \blank \bTABLE[width=5cm,align=flushleft,columndistance=\spaceamount] \bTR \bTD Small \eTD \bTD A really really long line that is split at 5cm \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (3)
Marco Patzer
Ursula Hermann
Wolfgang Schuster