Re: [NTG-context] Adaptation of ConTeXt to Esperanto

Alain Delmotte schrieb am 09.10.2021 um 11:23:
Le 9/10/2021 à 10:58, Wolfgang Schuster a écrit :
Alain Delmotte via ntg-context schrieb am 08.10.2021 um 22:07:
Some time ago I did prepare the files to support Esperanto in Context (hyphenation and translation of terms).
I thought it was working, testing with the command \date, which gives the correct format.
But today I remarked that the legends for Figure and Table (and perhaps other) are in English.
The file lang-txt.lua is there and contains the translations for Esperanto.
The language definitions for esperanto in lang-def.mkxl are in the wrong order, the first definition has to be "eo".
\installlanguage - [\s!esperanto] + [\s!eo] [\c!spacing=\v!packed, \c!leftsentence=\endash, \c!rightsentence=\endash, \c!leftsubsentence=\endash, \c!rightsubsentence=\endash, \c!leftquote=\upperleftsinglesixquote, %U+2018, \c!rightquote=\upperrightsingleninequote, %U+2019, \c!leftquotation=\upperleftdoublesixquote, %U+201C, \c!rightquotation=\upperrightdoubleninequote, %U+201D, \c!date={\v!day,-a\space de\space,\v!month,\space \v!year}, \s!patterns=eo, \s!lefthyphenmin=2, \s!righthyphenmin=2]
-\installlanguage[\s!eo][\c!default=\s!esperanto] +\installlanguage[\s!esperanto][\c!default=\s!eo]
Thanks Wolfgang, I did find the file and the wrong order.
Now, what should I do? I modified it outside context-lmtx in a copy.
Replace the original and???
You have to make the changes in the original file and afterwards generate the format file with context --make If everything works as expected report back and Hans can apply the fix on his machine to ensure they are included in the next release because when you make a update your changes are overwritten. Wolfgang
participants (2)
Alain Delmotte
Wolfgang Schuster