The new beta works fine. \unknownchar must be enclosed in braces, to prevent error messages when the unknown char is the only char in a superior or inferior. Many math symbols (unicode range 0x2200) are still missing. Would they be added like this: \definecharacter textSum {\mathematics{\Sum}} ? I will experiment somewhat with this later. Simon -- Simon Pepping email: spepping@scaprea.hobby.nl

On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 02:31:03PM +0100, Simon Pepping wrote:
Many math symbols (unicode range 0x2200) are still missing. Would they be added like this: \definecharacter textSum {\mathematics{\Sum}} ? I will experiment somewhat with this later.
Attached my first efforts. I will work it out later, if there is a need. How do I define combinations with \not? Can I use the AMS character names straight away? Simon -- Simon Pepping email: spepping@scaprea.hobby.nl

At 02:46 PM 12/8/2002 +0100, you wrote:
On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 02:31:03PM +0100, Simon Pepping wrote:
Many math symbols (unicode range 0x2200) are still missing. Would they be added like this: \definecharacter textSum {\mathematics{\Sum}} ? I will experiment somewhat with this later.
Attached my first efforts. I will work it out later, if there is a need. How do I define combinations with \not? Can I use the AMS character names straight away?
indeed, this also makes them adapt better to font circumstances \startunicodevector 34 \ifcase#1%\numexpr(#1-15) \strippedcsname \forall \or % "2200 \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \partial \or \strippedcsname \exists \or \strippedcsname \notexists \or \strippedcsname \emptyset \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \nabla \or \strippedcsname \in \or \strippedcsname \notin \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \ni \or \strippedcsname \notni \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \unknownchar \or \strippedcsname \prod \or \strippedcsname \coprod \or % "2210 \strippedcsname \sum \else \strippedcsname \unknownchar \fi \stopunicodevector \protect \endinput so, if you can complete these list ... missing chars should go into the math-* files as well, or at least placeholders Hans ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE | pragma@wxs.nl Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- information: http://www.pragma-ade.com/roadmap.pdf documentation: http://www.pragma-ade.com/showcase.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------

At 02:31 PM 12/7/2002 +0100, you wrote:
The new beta works fine.
\unknownchar must be enclosed in braces, to prevent error messages when the unknown char is the only char in a superior or inferior.
Many math symbols (unicode range 0x2200) are still missing. Would they be added like this: \definecharacter textSum {\mathematics{\Sum}} ? I will experiment somewhat with this later.
since the accented chars and math are kin dof special, those vectors need to be filled with named glyphs, you can best look into the math-* files, since they are symbols, and need to adapt themselves to the math fonts (ams,px,tx,lbr,mt,..) Hans ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE | pragma@wxs.nl Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- information: http://www.pragma-ade.com/roadmap.pdf documentation: http://www.pragma-ade.com/showcase.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Simon Pepping