another question about itemize

Hi Contex'ers, As we are considering itemize, does anyone by any chance know how to tackle this problem? Kind regards, Robert Ermers As you know, the itemize blok can be stopped and resumed by means of [continue]: \startitemize[n] \item abc \item def \stopitemize bla bla \startitemize[continue] \item ghijk \item klmnop \stopitemize I wonder if it is possible to have an itemize block resumed, and have the numbers continue, if another set of items precedes the continuation. Like this: \starttext \section{Personalia} \startitemize[n,packed,joinedup] \item name \item surname \item place of birth \stopitemize \section{Fruits} \startitemize[A] \item appel / apple \item peer / pear \item mango \item kersen / cherries \stopitemize \section{Personalia cont.} \startitemize[n,packed,joinedup] \item Sofi-nummer / social sec. number \item Huwelijksdatum /date of marriage \item Meisjesnaam moeder / maiden name mother \stopitemize \stoptext

I'll take this chance to point out a long-standing problem/misunderstanding that's causing me some grief: It seems to me that the 'before' and 'after' keywords used in the third argument of \setupitemize are operative only if 'columns' are also specified. In the example below, the hairlines disappear if the 'columns' keyword is eliminated. [columns, one] almost does it, but the indentation is not as expected. Feature, bug, or misunderstanding? BTW: can the lengths of the two hairlines in this example be made to be the same length? What's causing the indentation of the first hairline? Regards, Gary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \setupitemize[2][a,packed,columns][before={\hairline},after={\hairline}] \setupitemize[1][n] \starttext \startitemize % \item Level One % \startitemize \item first \item second \item third \stopitemize % \item Forgot a level % \startitemize \item one \item two \item three \stopitemize % \item Level two % \startitemize \item here's one \item here's another \item finally this \stopitemize % \stopitemize % \stoptext
participants (2)
Gary Pajer
R. Ermers