Hello, yesterday while exploring features/plugins of Kakoune (https://kakoune.org/) editor I, naturally, asked about ConTeXt/LaTeX support and was told about TexLab project (https://github.com/latex-lsp/texlab) bringing LSP (https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) support for LaTeX. Interestingly enough, by browsing through the tickets I've found the following issue: "ConTeXt support" (https://github.com/latex-lsp/texlab/issues/166) where one of the, afaict, main devs of the project replied with: "ConTeXt support is definitely in scope of this project. Our LaTeX parser does not rely on LaTeX specifics but a lot of the features like code completion rely on LaTeX specifics. Nevertheless, supporting ConTeXt is a lot of effort at the moment as I have never used ConTeXt before. Supporting the project structure of ConTeXt would probably be the first step. " Of course, I'm glad that TexLab project does provide LSP support and bringing it to the Kakoune editor as well, but I'm sure that many of you know that bringing ConTeXt support to TexLab would benefit users of **many** other editors since these today many most popular editors (Atom, Emacs, SublimeText, (neo)Vimn, VScode...) are having support for LSP. Unfortuantely, I'm ConTeXt noob and not speaking Rust, but just want to bring the information if there are people familiar with both about potential benefit for ConTeXt to get LSP support. Sincerely, Saša -- One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind.

TeXLab is not the only LSP for *TeX. https://github.com/astoff/digestif merged ConTeXt support including some TikZ wrapping for ConTeXt etc. (Have a look at PR #24.) It is written in Lua, so if you feel more native there you could contribute.
If someone would extend TeXLab that would surely benefit many. But they seem much more hard-wired towards LaTeX.
participants (3)
Alan Braslau
Saša Janiška