Re: [NTG-context] Re: TeX run : 8

Hi Peter,
Peter Münster
On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
for those, who don't want to update: export PERL_HASH_SEED=0 in $HOME/.profile works very nicely.
is this reliable?
It seems to me. At least on Linux: since a long time I've been used to get always 8 runs with my procuct-files, and now I get only 1 or 2 runs.
Cheers, Peter
I just saw that you also fought with the "unknown reference []" while using the ffr encoding (nine months ago). I read and tried all the solutions that Hans and you found out up to now. But as soon as I set \enablemode[activecolon] \usemodule[tryout] in my local cont-sys.tex I am back to 8 runs again (either with Patrick's patch or with your line in .profile). Do you experience the same (or did I use the wrong .profile here on Mac)? This would mean that, when using ffr, we either have to ignore all this unknown reference outputs or fall back to 8 runs :o( Or does someone already has a solution covering both bugs? Steffen
participants (1)
Steffen Wolfrum