Strange behavior of a macro with ConTeXt ver : 2014.11.12 9:46 p.m. MKIV beta

Hi, Macro written by Hans does not work. Best regards, Fabrice % macros=mkvi \starttext \starttexdefinition MyOtherHeader #where #day #month #year #title \defineoverlay[whatever][\useMPgraphic{whatever}] \startuseMPgraphic{whatever} path p; p:=fullsquare xyscaled (\overlaywidth,\overlayheight) squeezed 1pt; fill p withcolor white ; draw p withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor 0.625white ; picture d ; d := textext("\quad#where\space\endash\space\date[d=#day,m=#month,y=#year]\quad") shifted .5[ulcorner p,urcorner p]; fill boundingbox d withcolor white ; draw d ; setbounds currentpicture to p ; \stopuseMPgraphic \framed [ width=\hsize, height=5em, foregroundstyle=\itx, Background=whatever, frame=off, ] {#title } \stoptexdefinition \MyOtherHeader{Premières STMGB-STMGD}{17}{11}{2014}{{\ss \tfb \bf Second degré : résolution d'une équation du second degré}} \stoptext

HiRik, Sorry, I do not know how I could replace "b" with "B"! I did not think to check because this macro worked very well so far Thank you, Fabrice
participants (3)
Fabrice Couvreur
Rik Kabel