Hi list! I want to know how to properly use footnotes in math mode. The following: \starttext \startformula \int_{a}^{b} f(x) d x=\lim _{h=0}\left[\int_{a}^{c-h} f(x) d x+\int_{c+h}^{b} f(x) d x\right] \startfootnote Footnote \stopfootnote \stopformula \stoptext doesn't complain but it doesn't show the footnote either. So, I'm using the following workaround: \starttext \startformula \int_{a}^{b} f(x) d x=\lim _{h=0}\left[\int_{a}^{c-h} f(x) d x+\int_{c+h}^{b} f(x) d x\right]\note[mynote1] \stopformula \footnotetext[mynote1]{Cauchy s'occupe du cas...} \stoptext However, 1) I have to create notes every time and it's kinda annoying when a large amount of formulas are annotated (I've read somewhere it's bad practice to (ab)use footnotes in math writing, but I see this often in books from the 19th century or earlier), 2) the numbering is bold. Making the numbering normal rather than bold would be fine, but I want to know about a better solution. Thank you in advance Jairo :) PS: How to answer messages sent to the mailing list? I'm on Gmail and I have to wait until the Digest comes. However, I can see messages in mail-archive.com. It's a dumb question, but when I want to thank Hans, Wolfgang or Aditya (and everyone else) for an answer, or following a thread, I have to edit the whole Digest mail. Sorry if I've been ungrateful by not answering back. Thank you again.

Jairo A. del Rio schrieb am 28.06.2020 um 12:54:
You have two options: 1. Add \automigrateinserts at the begin of your document. \automigrateinserts \starttext \startformula x\footnote{Footnote} \stopformula \stoptext 2. Add a postponingnotes environment around the formula. \starttext \startpostponingnotes \startformula x\footnote{Footnote} \stopformula \stoppostponingnotes \stoptext The first option wasn't always reliable with many nested box levels and this is when you can use the second option.
Why don't you change this in the list settings or use a separate mail address for mailing lists. Wolfgang

Jairo A. del Rio schrieb am 28.06.2020 um 13:43:
It's "subscribe nodigest", right? Sorry for the inconveniences
Yes but the config page [1] has explanations for all options to know what each does. [1] https://mailman.ntg.nl/mailman/options/ntg-context Wolfgang
participants (2)
Jairo A. del Rio
Wolfgang Schuster