Hans, some time ago, you provided me with the following code to hyphenate sha with underscore: \startluacode function document.addfunnyhyphen(tfmdata) local underscore = utf.byte("_") local char = tfmdata.characters[underscore] if not char then return end tfmdata.characters[0xFE000] = { width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0, commands = { { "right", -char.width }, { "down", char.depth }, { "slot", 1, underscore }, } } end utilities.sequencers.appendaction("aftercopyingcharacters", "after","document.addfunnyhyphen") local shared = { start = 1, length = 1, before = utf.char(0xFE000), after = nil, left = false, right = false, } local all = table.setmetatableindex({ }, function(t,k) return shared end) languages.hyphenators.traditional.installmethod("sha", function(dictionary,word,n) return all end) \stopluacode \definehyphenationfeatures [sha] [characters=all, alternative=sha, righthyphenchar="FE000] \sethyphenationfeatures[sha]% \setuphyphenation[method=traditional]% \starttext \hsize\zeropoint \tt abcde \stoptext I’m afraid that it isn’t working as expected with current latest from 2021.05.06 23:35. I wonder whether this might be caused by a bug or the code should be adapted to current latest. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk

On 5/8/2021 7:55 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
I wonder whether this might be caused by a bug or the code should be adapted to current latest. hm, i'll check it ... looks like some lua closure side effect
Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

On 5/9/21 4:40 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 5/8/2021 7:55 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
I wonder whether this might be caused by a bug or the code should be adapted to current latest. hm, i'll check it ... looks like some lua closure side effect
Many thanks for your ultra-fast fix, Hans. Current latest from 2021.05.09 17:14 fixes the issue. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk

On 5/9/2021 6:09 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 5/9/21 4:40 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 5/8/2021 7:55 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
I wonder whether this might be caused by a bug or the code should be adapted to current latest. hm, i'll check it ... looks like some lua closure side effect
Many thanks for your ultra-fast fix, Hans.
Current latest from 2021.05.09 17:14 fixes the issue.
Many thanks for your help, you can also retest the advance
Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

On 5/9/21 7:46 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
[...] you can also retest the advance
It works fine now. A minor issue happens with SumatraPDF-3.1.2 (aside from font advance): \setuppapersize[A6] \definefontfamily[mainface][rm] [TeX Gyre Pagella] \setupbodyfont[mainface] \starttext \input zapf \stoptext Lines 3, 7, 10, 12 and 13 lack spaces between words: Coming back to the use of typefaces in electronic publishing: many of the new typographersreceivetheirknowledgeand information about the rules of typogra- phy from books, from computer maga- zines or the instruction manuals which theygetwiththepurchaseofaPCorsoft- ware. There is not so much basic instruc- tion, as of now, as there was in the old days,showingthedifferencesbetweengood and bad typographic design. Many peo- plearejustfascinatedbytheirPC'stricks, andthinkthatawidely--praisedprogram, called up on the screen, will make every- thing automatic from now on. Although this only happens with SumatraPDF, it would be great to have standard spacing (otherwise searching is impossible). Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk

On 5/10/2021 8:42 AM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 5/9/21 7:46 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
[...] you can also retest the advance
It works fine now.
A minor issue happens with SumatraPDF-3.1.2 (aside from font advance):
Works fine with 3.3.13 here. (btw, if after decades of pdf viewers still don't handle this well, i suppose it will never be okay, maybe because it's not that important to copy/paste) Coming back to the use of typefaces in electronic publishing: many of the new typographers receive their knowledge and information about the rules of typogra- phy from books, from computer maga- zines or the instruction manuals which they get with the purchase of a PC or soft- ware. There is not so much basic instruc- tion, as of now, as there was in the old days, showing the differences between good and bad typographic design. Many peo- ple are just fascinated by their PC's tricks, and think that a widely--praised program, called up on the screen, will make every- thing automatic from now on. but at the cost of runtime you can try \setupbackend [space=yes] Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------

On 5/10/21 9:36 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
[...] but at the cost of runtime you can try \setupbackend [space=yes]
It works perfectly fine, but not with font expansion: \definefontfeature [default] [default] [expansion=quality] \setupalign [hz] \setuppapersize[A6] \setupbodyfont[pagella] \setupbackend [space=yes] \starttext \input zapf \stoptext Com i ng back t o t he use o f ty pe f aces i n e l ec tr on i c pub li sh i ng : man y o f t he new ty pog r aphe r s r ece iv e t he ir know l edge and i n f o r ma ti on abou t t he r u l es o f ty pog r a - ph y fr om books , fr om compu t e r maga - z i nes o r t he i ns tr uc ti on manua l s wh i ch t he y ge t w it h t he pu r chase o f a PC o r so ft- wa r e . T he r e i s no t so much bas i c i ns tr uc - ti on , as o f now , as t he r e was i n t he o l d da y s , show i ng t he d iff e r ences be t ween good and bad ty pog r aph i c des i gn . Man y peop l e a r e j us t f asc i na t ed b y t he ir PC ' s tri cks , and t h i nk t ha t a w i de ly -- p r a i sed p r og r am , ca ll ed up on t he sc r een , w ill make e v e ryt h i ng au t oma ti c fr om now on . Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Pablo Rodriguez