Hi all ! According to previous posts entitled [NTG-context] metafun "boxes", I use metaobj but I have a small problem. After reading the metaobj manual, I would change the color of several "ellipse" shapes... But using b.option_framecolor_:=blue; or newEllipse.a(btex a framed text etex) "framecolor(red)"; do not work... Any idea ? \startuseMPgraphic{grapheliaison1mec} input metaobj; % here because if I put this in MPinclusions, % it corrupts other graphics (i.e. strange results with drawarrow anglebetween) newEllipse.a(btex $S_1$ etex) "fit(false)"; newEllipse.b(btex $S_2$ etex) "fit(false)"; newEllipse.c(btex $S_3$ etex) "fit(false)"; newEllipse.d(btex $S_4$ etex) "fit(false)"; newEllipse.e(btex $S_5$ etex) "fit(false)"; newEllipse.f(btex $S_6$ etex) "fit(false)"; newEllipse.g(btex $S_0$ etex) "fit(false)"; b.option_framecolor_:=blue; newMatrix.mat(3,5)(nb,b,d,nb,nb, a,nb,nb,f,g, nb,c,e,nb,nb) "hsep(1.5cm)", "vsep(1.5cm)"; mcarc.mat(2,1,1,2) "name(ab)"; ObjLabel.mat(btex $L_{12}$ etex) "labpathname(ab)","labdir(ulft)"; mcarc.mat(2,1,3,2) "name(ac)"; ObjLabel.mat(btex $L_{13}$ etex) "labpathname(ac)","labdir(llft)"; mcarc.mat(1,2,1,3) "name(bd)"; ObjLabel.mat(btex $L_{24}$ etex) "labpathname(bd)","labdir(top)"; mcarc.mat(3,2,3,3) "name(ce)"; ObjLabel.mat(btex $L_{35}$ etex) "labpathname(ce)","labdir(bot)"; mcarc.mat(1,3,2,4) "name(df)"; ObjLabel.mat(btex $L_{46}$ etex) "labpathname(df)","labdir(urt)"; mcarc.mat(3,3,2,4) "name(ef)"; ObjLabel.mat(btex $L_{56}$ etex) "labpathname(ef)","labdir(lrt)"; mcarc.mat(2,4,2,5) "name(fg)"; ObjLabel.mat(btex $L_{60}$ etex) "labpathname(fg)","labdir(top)"; mat.c = origin; drawObj(mat); \stopuseMPgraphic Cheers, Renaud

Ok, very sorry for this beginner's question ! It works with : newEllipse.a(btex $S_1$ etex) "fit(false)","framecolor(red)"; At first, I have tried without the , !!! Renaud
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Renaud AUBIN