User-Defined Command With Key-Value Options

Dear everyone, I am currently implementing the old French Bible of David Martin in ConTeXt MkIV. The source code looks like this: \startproduct martin1707 \project bibles % Font settings, page layout, etc. \startbiblebook[number={1}, name={Genéſe}, abbreviation={Gen.}, title={Le premier livre de Moyſe dit la Genéſe}] \startbiblechapter[number={1}] \startbibleverse[number={1}] Au commencement Dieu créa les cieux & la terre. \stopbibleverse \stopbiblechapter \stopbiblebook \startbiblebook[number={45}, name={Romains}, abbreviation={Rom.}, title={Epiſtre de ſaint Paul apoſtre aux romains}] \startbiblechapter[number={12}] \startbibleverse[number={1}] Je vous exhorte donc, \bibleaddition{mes} fréres, par les compaſſions de Dieu, que vous préſentiez vos corps en ſacrifice vivant, ſaint, agréable à Dieu, \bibleaddition{qui eſt} vôtre raiſonnable ſervice. \stopbibleverse \startbibleverse[number={2}] Et ne vous conformez point à ce préſent ſiecle, mais ſoyez transformez par le renouvellement de vôtre entendement, afin que vous éprouviez quelle eſt la volonté de Dieu, bonne, & agréable, & parfaite. \stopbibleverse \stopbiblechapter \stopbiblebook \stopproduct As you may know, the Bible is divided into books. These books are divided into chapters, and the chapters into verses. The purpose of \start(\stop)biblebook, \start(\stop)biblechapter, and \start(\stop)bibleverse is to format the books, chapters, and verses respectively (as the commands \start(\stop)section, \start(\stop)subsection, etc., do). As you see, theses commands are user-defined and take key-value options. My goal is to define their semantics (the way they do the formatting) with Lua. But I do not knwo how to do this. I know a bit about programming, and learning Lua is not a problem for me. Thanking you in advance, All the best.
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