Hi, at a large project's end (480pages, 10pages TOC) I need to fine-tune content and MyContent (with \writebetweenlist ...). As processing these 1.5 million characters each time takes about 10 minutes, fine-tuning seems to be impossible. What is needed is a way to place the TUO file instead the re- calculated \complete content. Once, Hans kindly send this patch, but I can't make real use of it: \unprotect \def\dodoplacecombinedlist[#1][#2]% {\dobeginoflist \dosetuplist[#1][#2]% \doutilities{listentries,#1}\jobname{#1}\relax\par \doendoflist} \protect just change \jobname to {somename.tuo} I guess when my TUO normally is called test.tuo I should copy it to a testtest.tuo and next, instead of \completecontent I use \placecombinedlist [content][file=testtest] . This works, but takes long too, as again all chapters are processed. So I comment all the \component lines in my project structure in order just to integrate my placecombinedlist[content][file=testtest]. But these pages are empty now. Anyone can help me there? Steffen
participants (1)
Steffen Wolfrum