Synonyms and XML - HOWTO?

Hello, I'm trying to get the following to work: \definesynonyms[abbreviation][abbreviations][\infull] \defineXMLargument [abbrev] [short=,full=] {\expanded{\abbreviation{\XMLop{short}}{\XMLop{full}}}} \defineXMLargument [abbreviations] {\completelistofabbreviations} \starttext \startXMLdata <abbreviations/> Blabla short<abbrev short="short" full="slightly longer short"/>. \stopXMLdata \stoptext But I don't succeede: the synonym is not put out. Any ideas on what I'm screwing up? Joh

On 5/2/06, Johannes Graumann wrote:
I'm trying to get the following to work:
\setupsynonyms[abbreviation][criterium=all] Otherwise only the used synonyms will be written to the list. (\infull{short})
\defineXMLargument [abbrev] [short=,full=] {\expanded{\abbreviation{\XMLop{short}}{\XMLop{full}}}}
\defineXMLargument [abbreviations] {\completelistofabbreviations}
\starttext \startXMLdata <abbreviations/> Blabla short<abbrev short="short" full="slightly longer short"/>. \stopXMLdata \stoptext
But I don't succeede: the synonym is not put out. Any ideas on what I'm screwing up?

Rather than doing this dirtily and on the fly (as implied by the quoted code, I'd like to use synonyms in a more cleaner fashion: separate calling and definition. I have come up with the following code, but have two problems: 1) '<abb key="key" opt="full"/>' just gives me '[key]' after defining '<abbreviation key="key"><short>shortkey</short><full>slightly longer key</full></abbreviation>'. 2) The '\XMLop{key}' should really be the result of that preceeded by a '\' to make the short version callable as a command. How to do that? Thanks for any help, Joh % setup 'synonymes' list called 'abbreviations' \definesynonyms[abbreviation][abbreviations][\infull] % give all out in the list \setupsynonyms[abbreviation][criterium=all] % <abbreviations/> calls the completelist as a 'chapter' \defineXMLargument [abbreviations] {\completelistofabbreviations} % abbreviations are defined as follows \defineXMLenvironment [abbreviation] [key=] { \defineXMLsave[short] \defineXMLsave[full] } {\expanded{\abbreviation[\XMLop{key}]{\XMLflush{short}}{\XMLflush{full}}}} % abbreviations are recalled like this (short version is the default) \defineXMLargument [abb] [key=,opt=short] { \doifelse{\XMLop{opt}}{full} {\expanded{\infull{\XMLop{key}}}} {\XMLop{key}} } Johannes Graumann wrote:
\defineXMLargument [abbrev] [short=,full=] {\expanded{\abbreviation{\XMLop{short}}{\XMLop{full}}}}
\defineXMLargument [abbreviations] {\completelistofabbreviations}
\starttext \startXMLdata <abbreviations/> Blabla short<abbrev short="short" full="slightly longer short"/>. \stopXMLdata \stoptext
participants (2)
Johannes Graumann
Mojca Miklavec