ConTeXt Meeting 2019 registration details and tshirts

Hi all, Because I received some email requests on whether registration is still open for the ConTeXt meeting in Bassenge and what to do about day visits et cetera, here is the nitty gritty on that: * As of today, there is room left for 10 extra participants, so late registrations are still possible. * Nevertheless, if you are certain you want to attend; better make sure to register shortly. You’ll be sorry if there is a sudden influx of dozens of new ConTeXt users from CCCamp and registrations have to be closed because of lack of room ;) * There are no single rooms available any more. * Registration will be closed on Sunday September 8 even if we are not full up by then, as some dinner ingredients need to be ordered in advance. * Day visits and partial attendance are both possible, but must be announced before September 8 if you want to stay for dinner and/or overnight (see above). Note further that overnight stays are subject to availability of empty beds. Fees for such visits: Lunch: €10; Dinner: €30; Overnight stay: €40. * The registration form can be used for day visits and partial attendance as well as for “normal” registration: but emailing me personally works fine as well. I hope that covers everything. Feel free to contact me directly if I forgot something. Then, there is a note on T-shirts needed: At the moment, we do not have enough registrations for a balanced budget. This means we had to cancel the free conference T-shirt, sorry! However, all is not lost: Pavneet Arora will be producing T-shirts for those that are willing to pay cash on delivery at Bassenge. Expected price is around €15 per shirt. Because of production times, reservation is both required and urgent. The production order should be made next Monday or Tuesday at the latest, so if you want one (or more) of the T-shirts, decide quickly! Pavneet will probably post a screenshot of the final logo design later today, and I am sure he will answer any additional questions you may have. Best wishes, Taco
participants (1)
Taco Hoekwater