I am a little desperate… I have installed in a new directory the latest version of ConTeXt.
I run the sample file I provided before. After enabling a second chapter-section before the \setups{Thumb-picture} the metafun error reoccurs. — Looking at the log I do net get really wiser, lacking the background of the implementation…
So here follows the section of the log with the error:
metafun > log >
metafun > log > error: Transform components aren't all known
metafun > log >
metapost > trace > <error> (0,0,mfun_page_hsize[-4],0,0,1)
metapost > trace > <to be read again> yscaled
metapost > trace > mfun_page_field [ (EXPR 0) ] [ (-40) ] := unitsquare xscaled mfun_page_hsize [ (EXPR 0) ] yscaled mfun_page_vsize [ (-40) ] shifted ( mfun_page_hstep [ (EXPR 0) ] , mfun_page_vstep [ (-40) ] ) ; mfun_page_field [ (-40) ] [ (EXPR 0) ] := mfun_page_field [ (EXPR 0) ] [ (-40) ] ; ENDFOR
metapost > trace > for HorPos = LeftEdge step 1 until RightEdge : mfun_page_field [ HorPos ] [ (EXPR 0) ] := unitsquare xscaled mfun_page_hsize [ HorPos ] yscaled mfun_page_vsize [ (EXPR 0) ] shifted ( mfun_page_hstep [ HorPos ] , mfun_page_vstep [ (EXPR 0) ] ) ; mfun_page_field [ (EXPR 0) ] [ HorPos ] := mfun_page_field [ HorPos ] [ (EXPR 0) ] ; endfor ; ENDFOR
metapost > trace > <macro> mfun_check_page_field -> -> mfun_check_page_dimensions;for.VerPos=Top.step10until.Bottom:for.HorPos=LeftEdge.step1until.RightEdge:mfun_page_field[HorPos][VerPos]:=unitsquare.xscaled.mfun_page_hsize[HorPos]yscaled.mfun_page_vsize[VerPos]shifted(mfun_page_hstep[HorPos],mfun_page_vstep[VerPos]);mfun_page_field[VerPos][HorPos]:=mfun_page_field[HorPos][VerPos];endfor;endfor;
metapost > trace > <argument> mfun_check_page_field ;
metapost > trace > <macro> hide -> (TEXT0)-> exitif.numeric.begingroup(TEXT0);endgroup;
metapost > trace > <macro> Field -> -> hide(mfun_check_page_field;)mfun_page_field
metafun > log >
metafun > log > I'm unable to apply a partially specified transformation except to a fully known
pair or transform. Proceed, and I'll omit the transformation.
metafun > log >
How to interprete, wha tto try next?
Kind regards