troubles when installing OpenBSD 64 binaries (

Hi, I tried to install the new OpenBSD amd64 binaries (thanks Hans!) but it failed. I suspect something is wrong with Here is the script I use to install binaries on a new system: #!/bin/ksh #script pour installer ConTeXt dans une nouvelle version OpenBSD #Pour lire avant usage /bin/echo "as-tu bien relu le script avant de le lancer?" #temps de pause pour la lecture /bin/sleep 30 #nettoie avant installation /bin/rm -rf /usr/local/context/* #telecharge /usr/bin/ftp$(uname -r) #decompresse /usr/local/bin/unzip context-openbsd$(uname -r) -d /usr/local/context/ #va dans le dossier cd /usr/local/context/ #change les permissions /bin/chmod 744 #lance ./ Here is the output log Requesting 100% |*******************************************************************************************************| 1255 KB 00:01 1285778 bytes received in 1.76 seconds (711.15 KB/s) Archive: creating: /usr/local/context/bin/ inflating: /usr/local/context/bin/mtx-install.lua inflating: /usr/local/context/bin/mtxrun inflating: /usr/local/context/bin/mtxrun.lua inflating: /usr/local/context/installation.pdf inflating: /usr/local/context/ mtxrun | forcing cache reload resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/root/texmf/web2c' from specification 'home:texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf-local/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf-context/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-context/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf-dist/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-dist/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for regular 'texmfcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/root/texmf/web2c' from specification 'home:texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf-local/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-local/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf-context/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-context/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf-dist/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf-dist/web2c' resolvers | resolving | looking for fallback 'contextcnf.lua' on given path '/usr/local/texmf/web2c' from specification 'selfautoparent:/texmf/web2c' resolvers | resolving | resolvers | resolving | warning: no lua configuration files found resolvers | resolving | no texmf paths are defined (using TEXMF) resolvers | resolving | mtxrun | the resolver databases are not present or outdated mtx-install | server : mtx-install | instance : install-lmtx mtx-install | platform : openbsd6.8-amd64 mtx-install | system : unix mtx-install | fetching '' mtx-install | unzipping '' 166 files of 1664 done, 3298500 bytes, 0.060 seconds 332 files of 1664 done, 20874604 bytes, 0.330 seconds 498 files of 1664 done, 44670096 bytes, 0.690 seconds 664 files of 1664 done, 45690920 bytes, 0.730 seconds 830 files of 1664 done, 46176672 bytes, 0.770 seconds 996 files of 1664 done, 47045568 bytes, 0.810 seconds 1162 files of 1664 done, 47492564 bytes, 0.840 seconds 1328 files of 1664 done, 76220771 bytes, 1.230 seconds 1494 files of 1664 done, 88713303 bytes, 1.420 seconds 1660 files of 1664 done, 89893244 bytes, 1.460 seconds 1664 files of 1664 done, 89953574 bytes, 1.460 seconds mtx-install | fetching '' mtx-install | unzipping '' 404 files of 4045 done, 90301449 bytes, 1.370 seconds 808 files of 4045 done, 95541495 bytes, 1.480 seconds 1212 files of 4045 done, 102546934 bytes, 1.670 seconds 1616 files of 4045 done, 120427309 bytes, 1.960 seconds 2020 files of 4045 done, 131504449 bytes, 2.110 seconds 2424 files of 4045 done, 138996466 bytes, 2.240 seconds 2828 files of 4045 done, 145377377 bytes, 2.360 seconds 3232 files of 4045 done, 151956221 bytes, 2.480 seconds 3636 files of 4045 done, 157895101 bytes, 2.570 seconds 4040 files of 4045 done, 163320456 bytes, 2.700 seconds 4045 files of 4045 done, 163339965 bytes, 2.710 seconds mtx-install | invalid database '' mtx-install | current : %S mtx-install | target : %S mtx-install | removing : mtxrun mtx-install | removing : context mtx-install | copied : mtxrun mtx-install | copied : context mtx-install | running: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun --generate sh: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun: not found mtx-install | running: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun --script cache --erase sh: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun: not found mtx-install | running: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun --generate sh: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun: not found mtx-install | running: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/context --make en sh: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/context: not found mtx-install | mtx-install | tex/texmf : 0 files with 0 bytes installed mtx-install | tex/texmf-context : 0 files with 0 bytes installed mtx-install | mtx-install | ConTeXt LMTX with LuaMetaTeX is still experimental and when you get a crash this mtx-install | can be due to a mismatch between Lua bytecode and the engine. In that case you can mtx-install | try the following: mtx-install | mtx-install | - wipe the texmf-cache directory mtx-install | - run: mtxrun --generate mtx-install | - run: context --make mtx-install | mtx-install | When that doesn't solve the problem, ask on the mailing list ( mtx-install | mtx-install | update, done cp: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun: No such file or directory If you want to run ConTeXt everywhere, you need to adapt the path, like: export PATH=/usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin:$PATH If you run from an editor you can specify the full path to mtxrun: /usr/local/context/tex/texmf-openbsd6.8-amd64/bin/mtxrun --autogenerate --script context --autopdf ... The following settings were used: server :,, instance : install-lmtx extras : ownpath : /usr/local/context platform : openbsd6.8-amd64 So, binaries can't be found under openbsd-6.8.amd64/bin I looked at, and I wonder if line 105 and 106 cp $PWD/tex/texmf-$PLATFORM/bin/mtxrun $PWD/bin/mtxrun cp $PWD/tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua $PWD/bin/mtxrun.lua cp $PWD/tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtx-install.lua $PWD/bin/mtx-install.lua shouldn't be changed to cp $PWD/bin/mtxrun $PWD/tex/texmf-$PLATFORM/bin/mtxrun cp $PWD/bin/mtxrun.lua $PWD/tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtxrun.lua cp $PWD/bin/mtx-install.lua $PWD/tex/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/mtx-install.lua Best regards, Damien Thiriet
participants (1)
Damien Thiriet