Now \eqaligno crashes. Please, can this be repaired. It is so common a macro that I cannot complete my work without. Minimal example: \starttext \placeformula\startformula \eqalignno{ x &= j\cr x &= j\cr } \stopformula \stoptext ! Undefined control sequence. \eqalignno ->\math_both_eqalign_no_normal \math_prepare_r_eqalign_no l.3 \eqalignno Hans van der Meer

Am 22.07.2012 um 19:27 schrieb Meer, H. van der:
Now \eqaligno crashes. Please, can this be repaired. It is so common a macro that I cannot complete my work without.
math-ali.mkiv -\def\math_both_eqalign_no#1#2% +\def\math_both_eqalign_no_normal#1#2% {\ifmmode \the\mathdisplayaligntweaks % \let\strc_formulas_place_number\relax % strange hack \vcenter\bgroup \let\math_finish_eqalign_no\egroup \else \let\math_finish_eqalign_no\relax \fi #1% \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \expandafter {\the\scratchtoks\crcr#2\crcr}% \math_finish_eqalign_no} Wolfgang

Am 22.07.2012 um 19:44 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 22.07.2012 um 19:27 schrieb Meer, H. van der:
Now \eqaligno crashes. Please, can this be repaired. It is so common a macro that I cannot complete my work without.
-\def\math_both_eqalign_no#1#2% +\def\math_both_eqalign_no_normal#1#2% {\ifmmode \the\mathdisplayaligntweaks % \let\strc_formulas_place_number\relax % strange hack \vcenter\bgroup \let\math_finish_eqalign_no\egroup \else \let\math_finish_eqalign_no\relax \fi #1% \halign \ifcase\eqalignmode \or to \displaywidth \fi \expandafter {\the\scratchtoks\crcr#2\crcr}% \math_finish_eqalign_no}
BTW: ConTeXt has it’s own align/matrix etc. environments for math since a long time. \starttext \startformula \startalign \NC x \EQ j \NR \NC x \EQ j \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptext Wolfgang

On 2012-07-22, at 1:27 PM, "Meer, H. van der"
Now \eqaligno crashes. Please, can this be repaired. It is so common a macro that I cannot complete my work without.
Minimal example: \starttext \placeformula\startformula \eqalignno{ x &= j\cr x &= j\cr } \stopformula \stoptext
! Undefined control sequence.
\eqalignno ->\math_both_eqalign_no_normal \math_prepare_r_eqalign_no l.3 \eqalignno
Why not just use \startalign etc. Aditya
participants (3)
Aditya Mahajan
Meer, H. van der
Wolfgang Schuster