Grid typesetting, blockquotes in smaller font across pagebreaks
Hi, I'm playing around with grid typesetting. Consider the following example: -------------------------------------- \setuppapersize[A5][A5] \setupbodyfont[10pt] \setuplayout[grid=yes] \showgrid \setupdelimitedtext[blockquote] [ style=\tfx, %style=\tfx\setupinterlinespace, % this breaks grid snapping spacebefore=halfline, indentnext=no, leftmargin=no, rightmargin=no, ] \starttext \dorecurse{5}{ \dorecurse{5}{Some text on a grid. } \startblockquote \dorecurse{10}{A quotation in a smaller font. } \stopblockquote \dorecurse{5}{This should be on the grid again. }} \stoptext -------------------------------------- With style=\tfx it kind of works as long as the quotations don't run over page boundaries. With style=\tfx\setupinterlinespace paragraphs after quotations don't snap back to the grid. Spacebefore=line is somewhat better, but also only if I use \tfx without \setupinterlinespace. Any hints? (But maybe I'm approaching the problem from the wrong direction anyway... I need the have pages end consistently at the same baseline, and I thought grid typesetting might be an option here. But maybe that was a wrong assumption in the first place... Or there are better solutions.) Best, Denis
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