Page overflow just before Split TABLE

Hello (Hans especially ;0), I made split TABLEs work with the following patch from Hans below. Got it to work beautifully, but there's a major problem: the page just before the split table 'overflows' on the bottom (see Any hints on how to remedy this are greatly appreciated ... Joh % Fixing multipage table according to Hans Hagen: \unprotect % in core-ntb : we check the flag \def\splittblbox#1% {\ifinsidesplitfloat \donetrue \else\ifinsidefloat \donefalse \else \donetrue \fi\fi \ifdone \executeifdefined{splittblbox\tbltblsplitmethod}\splittblboxa{#1}% \else \notsplittblbox{#1}% \fi} % in page-flt : we add a flag \newif\ifinsidesplitfloat % will become chardef \def\dosplitfloat[#1]#2% nog dubbele refs {\ifinsidecolumns % tzt ook nog figuren splitten % not yet supported \else \bgroup \insidefloattrue \insidesplitfloattrue \getparameters[\??si][#1]% \resetnumber[\??si]% \def\floatcaptionsuffix{\convertednumber[\??si]}% \TABLEcaptionheight\@@silines\lineheight % brrr \simplifypagebreak % \page becomes \goodbreak \dowithnextbox {\forgetall \dontcomplain \doloop {\setbox2\vsplit\nextbox to \lineheight \setbox2\vbox{\unvbox2} \ifdim\ht2>\lineheight \incrementnumber[\??si]% \ifcase\rawnumber[\??si]\or \ifdim\nextboxht=\zeropoint \let\floatcaptionsuffix\empty \fi \fi \bgroup #2{\unvbox2} \egroup \ifdim\nextboxht>\zeropoint \page \decrementnumber[\floatcaptionnumber]% \fi \fi \ifdim\nextboxht>\zeropoint\else \expandafter\exitloop \fi}% \egroup} \vbox \fi} \protect % beware: you need to set the splitmethod to b (boxed split)
participants (1)
Johannes Graumann