Re: [NTG-context] no indent after figure

Hi Wolfgang,
use the following code because my old one worked only when \setupfloats[indentnext=yes] was used.
\def\OTRONEdosomepagefloat#1[#2]% {%\checkwaitingfloats{#1}% \global\setbox#1\vbox {\unvbox#1% \vbox to \textheight {\doifnotinset\v!high{#2}\vfill \box\floatbox \doifnotinset\v!low{#2}\vfill}% \goodbreak}% \doinsertfloatinfo \nonoindentation}
Thank you! I'll try this.
Dont know I there are any sideeffects, you couls try to use the code in yout file and response if you couls see any problems.
Btw. are the ??xx (here ??bk) Variables document somewhere?
They are namespaces for the ConTeXt-Macros and ??bk stands for "Blokken (floats)".
Ahh! Dutch names. I searched for the real name of the figurenumber to solve an other problem I posted a few days ago. And so I was looking for the right präfix for float (figure) or caption (don't even know where that number lives). Grüße aus der Rhön Wolfgang
participants (1)
Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini