A standard (wiki, manual) means of obtaining an unnumbered chapter is to use \title, but this does not create an entry into the toc. So one can create a new head, as in: \definehead [unnumberedchapter] [chapter] \setuphead [unnumberedchapter] [number=no] \definecombinedlist [content] [unnumberedchapter,chapter,section] \setuplist [unnumberedchapter] [headnumber=no] Bof! (pardon my French, as they say in polite circles) Much easier (or cleaner if you wish), using the structured syntax, is: \startchapter [number=no,incrementnumber=no, title={Conclusions}] \stopchapter (The {} are not necessary, but I believe that this may make things more readable, given the practice to enclose typeset text within curly braces.) A problem occurs, though, if we use labels, as in: \setuplabeltext [chapter={Chapter }] % with trailing space; blank by default (which Hans *never, ever* uses, by the way...) We then get: Chapter 1 First Chapter 2 Second Chapter Conclusions I think that the macros are missing a "label=no" option. Unless, that is, I am missing something obvious. Alan
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