Hello, I need to temporary narrow the width in which text is typeset, to get something like: ---- Sdflsdf sjldfg sjfdg sjdfg sjdfg <- Normal (first) paragraph (no-indent). sf sjlfg sjdgfjsgfjsdf sgdf jsdgf sdfg gjh. Lsdf sjldfg sjfdg sjdfg sjdfg <- Normal (other) paragraph (normal indent). sf sjlfg sjdgfjsgfjsdf sgdf jsdgf sdfg gjh. <- Blank line Sdfjhk skjdhf kh skh fsk ks <- Narrower (first) paragraph (no-indent); skfh skf s ksk fk sf kh jhd its width e.g. 0.8 * <width-of-the-normal-paragraph> (\textwidth) dfs fsdf. Fjhk skjdhf kh skh fsk ks <- Narrower (other) paragraph (normal indent). skfh skf s ksk fk sf kh jhd dfs fsdf. Fjhk skjdhf kh skh fsk ks skfh skf s ksk fk sf kh jhd dfs fsdf. <- Blank line Sdkf sks dfks fhf skdhf kshfk j <- Normal (next) paragraph (normal indent). f sfh skfhs kfh skfh skf skdhfkdf fks fshf shf skhfd ksdhfhks djiuo dsdhf k. Lsdf sjldfg sjfdg sjdfg sjdfg sf sjlfg sjdgfjsgfjsdf sgdf jsdgf sdfg gjh. ---- I tried to play somehow with \(setup)paragraph(s), but it seems the are intended for paragraph-side-by-side setting, like columns do. Changing \pagelayout changes the whole page layout, whilst I need just to narrow some paragraphs. Something like: \defineSomethingLikeParagraph[MyPar][width=.8\textwidth,leftdistance=.1\textwidth,before=\blank,after=\blank,] And later: \startMyPar \input knuth \stopMyPar Is there something like that? TIA. Lukas -- Ing. Lukáš Procházka [mailto:LPr@pontex.cz] Pontex s. r. o. [mailto:pontex@pontex.cz] [http://www.pontex.cz] Bezová 1658 147 14 Praha 4 Tel: +420 244 062 238 Fax: +420 244 461 038

... I probably found it (how easy!):
Best regards,
On Fri, 23 Nov 2012 16:00:54 +0100, Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.
I need to temporary narrow the width in which text is typeset, to get something like:
---- Sdflsdf sjldfg sjfdg sjdfg sjdfg <- Normal (first) paragraph (no-indent). sf sjlfg sjdgfjsgfjsdf sgdf jsdgf sdfg gjh. Lsdf sjldfg sjfdg sjdfg sjdfg <- Normal (other) paragraph (normal indent). sf sjlfg sjdgfjsgfjsdf sgdf jsdgf sdfg gjh. <- Blank line Sdfjhk skjdhf kh skh fsk ks <- Narrower (first) paragraph (no-indent); skfh skf s ksk fk sf kh jhd its width e.g. 0.8 * <width-of-the-normal-paragraph> (\textwidth) dfs fsdf. Fjhk skjdhf kh skh fsk ks <- Narrower (other) paragraph (normal indent). skfh skf s ksk fk sf kh jhd dfs fsdf. Fjhk skjdhf kh skh fsk ks skfh skf s ksk fk sf kh jhd dfs fsdf. <- Blank line Sdkf sks dfks fhf skdhf kshfk j <- Normal (next) paragraph (normal indent). f sfh skfhs kfh skfh skf skdhfkdf fks fshf shf skhfd ksdhfhks djiuo dsdhf k. Lsdf sjldfg sjfdg sjdfg sjdfg sf sjlfg sjdgfjsgfjsdf sgdf jsdgf sdfg gjh. ----
I tried to play somehow with \(setup)paragraph(s), but it seems the are intended for paragraph-side-by-side setting, like columns do.
Changing \pagelayout changes the whole page layout, whilst I need just to narrow some paragraphs.
Something like:
And later:
\startMyPar \input knuth \stopMyPar
Is there something like that?
-- Ing. Lukáš Procházka [mailto:LPr@pontex.cz] Pontex s. r. o. [mailto:pontex@pontex.cz] [http://www.pontex.cz] Bezová 1658 147 14 Praha 4 Tel: +420 244 062 238 Fax: +420 244 461 038

... I probably found it (how easy!):
---- \definestartstop [Rek] [before={\blank\setupnarrower[left=\parindent,right=\parindent]\startnarrower}, after={\stopnarrower\blank}, style=\em, ] ----
(Untested, as I don't know if narrower accepts indent and style keys; if not this should serve as a feature request :)) \definenarrower [Rek] [left=\parindent, right=\parindent, indenting=next, after={\blank}, style=em] Aditya

On Fri, 23 Nov 2012 20:23:44 +0100, Aditya Mahajan
... I probably found it (how easy!):
---- \definestartstop [Rek] [before={\blank\setupnarrower[left=\parindent,right=\parindent]\startnarrower}, after={\stopnarrower\blank}, style=\em, ] ----
(Untested, as I don't know if narrower accepts indent and style keys; if not this should serve as a feature request :))
\definenarrower [Rek] [left=\parindent, right=\parindent, indenting=next, after={\blank}, style=em]
Thanks Aditya, it works excluding the "style" key, so the font change must be performed in the "before" scope: ---- \definenarrower [Rek] [left=\parindent, right=\parindent, indenting=next, before=\blank\bf, after=\blank, style=em, ] \starttext \input tufte \startRek \input knuth \stopRek \input tufte \stoptext ---- Best regards, Lukas

Am 23.11.2012 um 20:23 schrieb Aditya Mahajan
... I probably found it (how easy!):
---- \definestartstop [Rek] [before={\blank\setupnarrower[left=\parindent,right=\parindent]\startnarrower}, after={\stopnarrower\blank}, style=\em, ] ----
(Untested, as I don't know if narrower accepts indent and style keys; if not this should serve as a feature request :))
\definenarrower [Rek] [left=\parindent, right=\parindent, indenting=next, after={\blank}, style=em]
Requires latest version of the module (left/right margins are reversed when you set “doublesided=yes”). \usemodule[annotation] \defineannotationalternative [narrow] [ alternative=vertical, renderingsetup=annotation:narrow] \startsetups[annotation:narrow] \signalrightpage \doifelse{\annotationparameter{doublesided}}{yes} {\doifrightpageelse\donetrue\donefalse} \donetrue \ifdone \doadaptleftskip {\annotationparameter {leftmargin}} \doadaptrightskip{\annotationparameter{rightmargin}} \else \doadaptrightskip{\annotationparameter {leftmargin}} \doadaptleftskip {\annotationparameter{rightmargin}} \fi \placeannotationcontent \stopsetups \defineannotation [textoffset] [alternative=narrow, %doublesided=yes, color=red, style=italic, leftmargin=1cm, rightmargin=4cm] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \starttext \input knuth \starttextoffset \input ward \stoptextoffset \input knuth \starttextoffset \input ward \stoptextoffset \input knuth \starttextoffset \input ward \stoptextoffset \input knuth \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (4)
Aditya Mahajan
Procházka Lukáš
Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.
Wolfgang Schuster