Re: [NTG-context] Empty page without header, footer, pagenumber

\input knuth
\page[empty] % empty page
\input knuth
\page[yes,right] %move to right page but keep header and footer
\input knuth
\page[yes,header,footer,right] % move to right page and remove header and footer
\input knuth
Thanks Wolfgang, but its not so easy. I knew this commands, but that is, what I meant with this problems I had. In a large document often empty pages (but with numbers) appear infront of a new part, or chapter, because this new part has to be set on a odd page, for example. And so I have always to deactivate all things, and activate them after this empty page again, exactly with these commands above. That is, why I had the pseudo-algorithm idea, that context should just look after, which pages are empty, and to clear everything on them (or: to not set anything on them, if there is no text). That would give perfect result with only one single command, without switching all the way. Huseyin
participants (1)
"H. Özoguz"