The bug with the scale of fallback fonts
Hi, See this example about Chinese fonts as fallback fonts. The Latin font's scale rate is less than the fallback font from \tf to \tfd. The size of the fallback font is almost two times of the Latin font with \tfd. \starttypescript[serif][myfonts] \definefontsynonym[hereos][name:texgyreherosregular] \definefontfallback[song][name:adobesongstd][0x00400-0x2FA1F] \definefontsynonym[fbsong][hereos][fallbacks=song] \definefontsynonym[Serif][fbsong] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[myfonts][rm][serif][myfonts] \setupbodyfont[myfonts,rm,11pt] \starttext 夹杂 English 的中文文本\blank {\tfa 夹杂 English 的中文文本}\blank {\tfb 夹杂 English 的中文文本}\blank {\tfc 夹杂 English 的中文文本}\blank {\tfd 夹杂 English 的中文文本} \stoptext -- Best regards, Li Yanrui (李延瑞)
participants (1)
Li Yanrui (李延瑞)