Line up itemize list with answer block

Dear list members, How can I ensure that the itemize list in the answers line up with the counter? Or, put simply: I want '1.1' and 'a) Answer 1' to line up. Regards, Jan Willem Flamma PDF result: MWE: \defineblock[question] \defineblock[answer] \hideblocks[question] \hideblocks[answer] \defineenumeration [question] [text=Question, after={\blank[2*big]}, inbetween={\blank[nowhite]}, way=bychapter, prefixsegments=chapter, prefix=yes] \defineenumeration [answer] [counter=answer, text=, width=, before={\blank[nowhite]}, after={\blank[nowhite]}, indenting=no, titledistance=1cm, location=inmargin, alternative=left, headstyle=, way=bychapter, prefixsegments=chapter, prefix=yes] \starttext \startchapter[title={Chapter}] \beginquestion \startquestion \startitemize[a,packed][stopper=,right=)] \item Question 1 \item Question 2 \stopitemize \stopquestion \endquestion \beginanswer \startanswer \startitemize[a,packed][stopper=,right=)] \item Answer 1 \item Answer 2 \stopitemize \stopanswer \endanswer \startsection[title={Questions}] \useblocks[question] \stopsection \blank[big] \startsection[title={Answers}] \useblocks[answer] \stopsection \stopchapter \stoptext
participants (1)
Jan Willem Flamma